Catholic Identity

Project Compassion

This year, Project Compassion brings you the stories of three resilient women from three different corners of the world. They are facing vastly different challenges, but are all united by one dream: to create a better tomorrow for all future generations.


Ronita is 22. She lives with her husband and two children in a barangay (local district) in Quezon City, which is situated in Metro Manila in the Philippines.  

Ronita left school when she became pregnant as a teenager. This could have had a life-long impact on her ability to find work and provide for her family but, thankfully, she heard about the Alternative Learning System (ALS) program run by the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ), Caritas Australia’s local partner in the Philippines. 

Through the FCJ, Ronita was able to re-enrol in her studies and continue learning in a safe and flexible environment – even with the arrival of her second child.

After completing her ALS classes, Ronita went on to earn her Grade 12 Senior High School Diploma. With her new diploma, Ronita has now secured a job at a call centre and is looking to a brighter future for her whole family.  

“I have now graduated senior school and I am so proud of myself,” she said. “I feel hopeful for the future… Now it’s not impossible for me to achieve my dream… Thank you.”    


Ronita's story can be watched at 

Solidarity Rice Lunch for Project Compassion

On Tuesday our school community participated in a solidarity lunch. This event involved the students bringing a serving of plain rice for lunch, a small act to show our solidarity with those around the world who do not have access to necessary food and water. Students were also encouraged to make a small donation to Project Compassion as an act of Lenten almsgiving (good works) in support of their annual appeal.  

Thank you to everyone for your participation, including those who were attending the Catholic Swimming Sports on Tuesday.

Weekly Gospel -Mark 1: 12-15


The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him. After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: "This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel." 


Gospel Reflection

This week we reflect on Jesus' time in the desert. Notice how Jesus was present in the desert for 40 days? These forty days are mirrored in our season of Lent. Jesus' forty days reflect the 40 years the Israelites spent in the desert before entering the promised land. 

When we consider these events we notice a pattern, 40 days/years being a time of preparation. For the Israelites, the 40 years were a time of prayer, trial, and teaching. For Jesus, they were a time of prayer, trial, and preparation. For us, the 40 days of Lent are also a time for prayer and preparation. 

Let us use this Lent to prepare our hearts to fully celebrate the love of God at Easter.