Message from 

the Principal

Message from the Principal


Dear Families,


It is so easy in a busy world to get caught up in the micro business, worrying about little things or only focusing on the negative.  I remind myself daily of how lucky I am to have a job I love,  great people to work with, surrounded by the energy of youth, and a supportive and committed community to education and our school.  

As we enter the season of Lent and commence our CARITAS fundraising, counting our blessings and being grateful for the big and the little moments in our lives, celebrate the wins, and learn from the moments we might prefer to forget. 

School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council met for the first time last week, electing Michael Carney as the Board Chair for 2024.  Thank you to Michael Carney,  Amanda Abley, Phalen Pezzelato, Marcene Haythorpe, Julia Feiss, and Jess Rix for their willingness to be part of our Advisory Council, for their time, and for the wisdom you bring to the forum. 

Thank you 

Thank you to those who attended our Welcome Evening and our Opening School Mass, the School Advisory Council, Swimming carnivals, and the community of readers in classrooms.  Those who helped with Pancakes, The Friendly Brew, and our Canteen helpers. Thank you to those who volunteered their time at the Marong Cup on Saturday. You are all very much appreciated and make our school a better place. 


Thank you to Willow (Year 4) and her Mum, Melinda, for the beautiful artwork that they painted and gifted to our school.  Willow is new to our school this year. It will hang with pride in our Admin Building.



Take care and enjoy your week.



Grow in the Likeness of God Award.

Each fortnight, I will be awarding a member (or 2)  from our community with this award based on our theme for 2024 - Grow in the Likeness of God.

This week's recipients are:

Angus P

Angus displayed respect for others and our environment, helping to clean up an area of our school and making it safe and usable for others.  


Cale P 

Cale displayed amazing leadership skills while playing soccer, promoting inclusion and great school spirit.




2024 Welcome BBQ


Shrove Tuesday  -  Pancakes


The Friendly Brew 

Join us for a cuppa and catch up every Friday from 8:50am