Teaching and Learning/Enrichment Coaching
Dear Parents/Carers/Guardians,
Welcome back for 2024! We are looking forward to another successful and fun year ahead.
This year we are proudly implementing our whole-school Instructional Model. Teaching staff spent much of 2023 working together to develop an agreed Teaching and Learning Model that will best ensure we are having maximum impact in the classroom and continuously improving student outcomes. The Instructional Model is clearly displayed in every classroom and informs our planning and instruction across the school.
With the benefit of stronger data analysis over the last 12 months, our aim this year is to further strengthen student outcomes, whilst more effectively meeting students at their point of need. We are using data from PAT and Essential Assessment to inform our practice.
To support your child’s learning at home, we are pleased to be able to offer the online Reading and Maths programs, Reading Eggs and Mathletics/Math Seeds. Over the coming weeks logins to these platforms will be distributed and attached in student diaries. We recommend that every child read each night, either online or with books from school or home and encourage students to access Mathletics/Math Seeds a couple of times per week to consolidate the learning that is happening at school.
Prep-Year 2 students will be sent home with readers each day. We ask that parents record each book read in their child’s reading diary. Teachers will check these on a weekly basis. Years 3-6 students will bring home readers or books of interest to them. Spelling and/or sight words will be sent home in spelling books for all students. We encourage you to practice these words with your child at least 3 times per week. Teachers will conduct weekly tests on these.
This year we are excited to offer students the STEAM program, taught by Miss White. STEAM stands for: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. Students participate in 2 sessions of STEAM per week. The program has been designed to encourage lots of participation and engagement of students through a variety of hands on activities that encompasses all of these domains.
We encourage open communication between our families and the school. This can be done in a few different ways, such as notes in student diaries, via Compass or email. Teachers check and sign student diaries daily and monitor their emails throughout the day. Should you need to speak with your child’s teacher in person, please arrange a suitable time with them directly. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact the Teaching and Learning Team for any queries you may have beyond the classroom teacher.
The purpose of the whole school Instructional Model is to ensure consistency across classrooms to drive positive student outcomes.
The use of High Impact Teaching Strategies ensures all students are appropriately challenged, regardless of ability level.
Teachers will use data to inform their practice and allow them to differentiate learning tasks to reach each child at their point of need.
Clear Learning Intentions and Success Criteria are developed for each lesson and are explained and revisited throughout lessons so that students have a clear understanding of the skills they need to demonstrate. Reflection at the end of each lesson provides opportunities for students to communicate their understanding, confidence or challenges to inform future teaching.