Student Engagement

Friday Assembly

Each fortnight we will be celebrating the success of our students with our brand new GROWTH awards. These awards relate directly to our school values, Gratitude, Respect, Outstanding, Wellbeing, Teamwork and Honesty. Each classroom teacher will select 1 student per week to receive an award at our assembly. Other ways we celebrate success is through our House Point system and Cool To Be At School Spinner which will be explained below. Unfortunately due to the space in the Multi-Purpose room, we are unable to facilitate families to come and watch the fortnightly assembly. We will be updating our school Facebook page with plenty of photos so stay tuned!


House Points

We are back with our House Point competition across the school. Each grade brainstormed an amazing list of reward options that included free time, extra recess, ice-cream, icy poles, lollies and chocolates. The winning House will be revealed at our assemblies which creates much excitement and anticipation.


Cool to be at School 

We love to encourage attendance through our 'Cool To Be At School' spinner. If a child is present from Monday to Friday without being late, they are entered into our special spinner. Two students get selected on the spinner to win a prize. We even do a really cool chant as they spinner is selecting the 2 students - its heaps of fun!


Student Representative Council

We are in the early stages of forming our 2024 SRC. The students in Grades 3-6 have started to discuss in classrooms what is expected of an SRC representative and the ways they can influence the school. Students that are interested will present a speech to their class highlighting the reasons why they they would be a suitable candidate. The selection will be based on a class vote alongside the classroom teachers judgement. We look forward to announcing our new SRC at our week 4 assembly.