Parents and Friends Group




Wyndham Vale Primary School Parents & Friends (P&F) is a welcoming and friendly group that aims to provide an enjoyable social contact for individuals within our school community while also organizing activities and events.

The P&F consists of parents, guardians, family members and friends of WVPS who want to make a positive difference to the school experience provided to the students. Any member of the school community can attend the monthly meetings, have input into ideas and decisions, and assist at the events that run throughout the year. 

You can be involved in any way that suits you, and it is a great opportunity for both you and your children to make new friends. 


Our calendar varies with each year, 2024's activities and events can include:

  • Scholastic Book Club
  • Billy G's Cookie Dough
  • Mothers & Fathers' Day Stalls
  • Event Raffles
  • Sausage Sizzle Fundraisers
  • Participation in school wide events
  • Social gatherings

Funds raised during the school year are used to assist in improving the school environment for students and to fund future activities. Previously, the P&F funded the line marking activities in the courtyard and the electronic message board located outside the office. Members have also voted to purchase more outdoor seating, tables and shade..


The P&F are always seeking ideas and people who would love to try and help develop our community culture and bring these events to life. If you are interested in meeting new people or making a contribution, in whatever way suits you best, please provide your details via email ( or complete the expression of interest form located at the office.


We succeed through the goodwill and efforts of the families at our school.



Working With Children Check

Any person who wishes to volunteer their time and help during school activities or events must hold a current Working With Childrens Check (WWCC). If you don't already have a card, you can obtain a volunteer check free of charge and process your application online by visiting:



Scholastic Book Club

The P&F will be running the Scholastic Bookclub in 2024! Two issues are released each term, catalogues will be distributed to classrooms and will also be available for viewing online. By purchasing books through the Scholastic Bookclub, you help the school earn free books and Scholastic Rewards. Last year, each order helped raise $1,080 which is used for classroom and teaching materials.

Issue 1 is out now! Catalogues will be handed out in class. You can choose to order through their online platform called LOOP or return the order form with cash in an envelope to the classroom teacher before Tuesday 13th February.




Upcoming Activities / Events

The P&F's first fundraiser of the year is our annual Easter Raffle! 

We are currently looking for families and businesses who could contribute suitable raffle prizes or donate baskets/tubs for the hampers.

Tickets will be sent home in March.


Our first meeting for 2024 is in the works.... STAY TUNED!