School Council 

School Council Newsletter Report - 1 February 2024


Welcome back!  


I hope everyone had a relaxing break and has returned to school refreshed and excited for the year ahead. My kids are very excited to be back with their friends and I am looking forward to a little peace and quiet.


The first School Council meeting of 2024 will be held on 15 February.  This will also be the last meeting for some of the current incumbents. What this means is there will be opportunity for new parent members to apply (and be elected), so if you are interested in seeing what goes on within the School Council, please think about attending this next meeting.


The School Council will have a full year of excursions, camps, fundraising and the usual policy and budget matters to review and endorse.  We look forward to the oval being completed, the legendary WVPS Art Show and without doubt a fantastic year ahead.  For those Council Members (both Parent and Department) saying goodbye after this next meeting, thank you for volunteering your time, energy and passion each month to ensure our kids get to be part of such an amazing school.

2023 Wyndham Vale School Council

Parent MembersDepartment MembersCommunity Member
Sharon Gatt (President)Sue Seneviratne (Executive Officer)David Sivaraj (Treasurer)
Katrina Volkerts (Vice President)Salvatore Farfalla 
Chris SutcliffeLinda Scullin 
Uday Nadella  
Mel Egan  

Sharon Gatt

School Council President