Sound Garage

Instrumental, Singing and Performance Program (SAP)
Soundgarage Music Schools, at Aberfeldie Primary School, offer extra-curricular contemporary music classes for Grades 1 to 6, during the school day. Children can build their self-confidence and be involved in a variety of performances by joining the Instrumental Program or the Singing and Performance (SAP) Program.
Soundgarage lessons are held in small groups. The Soundgarage program runs for 11 months and includes a Term 3 or 4 concert. There can also be other performances throughout the year. Soundgarage students are guaranteed a minimum of 32 lessons per year. However, children will usually receive more than 32 lessons for the year.
Learning music can be beneficial to students, not only in a musical sense but in all areas of school. Music has been proven to help one’s self-confidence, self-discipline as well as improve teamwork. It is known that music education enhances brain function and is one of the few activities that engages the whole brain; as a result of this it is evident that music helps students in learning areas such as Mathematics and English.
‘I would teach children music, physics and philosophy; but more importantly music; for in the patterns of music and all the arts, are the keys to learning.’ – Plato
Fees are payable in advance for the term and there are no refunds for children who drop out during the term. Fees can be paid in 4 equal installments of $165.00, each Term, by the end of February in Term 1. The fees are calculated per term, not calculated per lesson.
Families who wish to withdraw a child from the program must sign an exit form at the end of the term previous to the term of withdrawal. This enables groupings and staff to be organized ahead of any change. Unfortunately, lessons lost due to illness or school activities cannot, in general, be made up. Circumstances such as long-term holidays or illness etc. can be discussed with the Soundgarage Music School coordinator and appropriate arrangements can be made.
Enrollment forms for SAP &/or Instrumental (Drums, Keyboard, Guitar) are available via Compass. Prep students cannot enroll in SAP until second Semester. Instrumental classes are offered in Grade 1-6. For any further information please feel free to contact:
Pat O’Brien
Music School Coordinator.
0432 185 991