Communicating with School & Teachers

Communication is a key element in fostering a strong partnership between home and school, and we want to ensure that you have various avenues to connect with us. Here are some ways you can stay in touch and engage with Aberfeldie Primary School.
General Communication:
- Compass is our formal platform used to communicate important news, upcoming events, permission forms, payments, newsletters, student reports, and any other formal communication.
- Seasaw App is our learning platform used by students, teachers and parents/ carers to capture and share what is happening in classrooms. We encourage parents/ carers to download and connect Seasaw. Seasaw logins for 2024 will be sent out early in the term.
- Newsletters are published throughout the term and include important dates, school information and what is happening in classrooms.
- Reports are sent home formally at the end of each semester via Compass.
- Parent/Teacher Interviews provide an opportunity for face-to-face discussions about your child. These take place early Term 1 and early Term 3. These meetings offer a personalized and in-depth overview of your child's academic and social development. Information for these meetings is sent out via Compass.
- Website: You can check the website for updates and information over the school year. Copies of Policies and school plans are also shared through this means.
Communicating with teachers:
- Before/after school: Before or after school is a good time to touch base and share quick information with the class teacher. As stated in the operating hours, teachers are contracted from 8:44am until between 3:40 to 4:50 (depending on the day). Please note that from 8:54am, teachers have a duty of care to be actively supervising students inside classrooms. If you do need to speak to a teacher, we ask you to do this prior to this time or reach out to the teacher to organise a suitable time.
- Seesaw App: Our primary mode of parent-teacher digital communication is through the Seesaw app. The Seesaw app allows for simple and direct messaging between teachers and parents/carers.
- Email: All teachers have a school email address and this can be accessed via Compass. Simply click on your child in Compass and select email teacher.
- Phone Calls: While teachers cannot answer phone calls during school times, messages can be left at the Front Office on (03) 9337 8084.
- Parent Meetings: Please make a time to meet with the teacher if you are worried/uncertain about anything to do with your child or wish to have a more in depth conversation. The class teacher is the first person to contact. See 'parent concerns' for more information.