Digital Technologies

Welcome back to Term 4. It is an exciting and busy term. As our students look forward to the next chapter in their schooling whether it be up into a new year level or moving on to secondary school. 

Today I want to share with you an amazing organisation with fantastic resources called Dolly’s Dream. Many of you may remember in 2018 the story of Dolly who was bullied online leading to a devastating outcome. This organisation rose through the devastation to become an advocate for the mental health and wellbeing of children and parents alike.


This organisation is a true testament to the hard work and dedication of many people who are advocating for the safety of our children online. Whilst understanding that our children enjoy communicating with friends and family through online platforms, we also need to be aware of the downside of having unlimited access to communication with others. 


As parents we can be perplexed as to what to do and how to help. Dolly’s dream is not only about providing support for our children but also support for parents who are possibly navigating some difficult times. 

The video that outlines the story of Dolly’s Dream identifies that the parents knew there was something not right, but only saw the tip of the iceberg. Dolly herself identified that it is important to speak up, even if your voice shakes. This became the phrase that headed the campaign for awareness. 


Sometimes you know there is something wrong, but you just don’t know what to do. The cyber world is evolving so fast that we feel we are constantly trying to catch up on what the newest threat is. Currently AI and the idea of ‘Deep fakes’ a sophisticated photoshop experience if you will are some of the issues our children may be grappling with.  If you have a moment I encourage you to visit the site below:


There are some fantastic resources here. Including a cyber safety app, a parent hub, help lines and contacts for children and parents, information about current safety issues and what you can do to address these with your children. 


I have attached a poster that briefly outlines what you can do if online bullying has been identified. 


We encourage the children to be upstanders and not bystanders. If you notice something, tell someone. 


Jennifer Young

Learning and Teaching / Digital Technologies