Teaching and Learning

News from Prep, One, Two
Term 4 is going to be a busy but exciting one for the junior room. Our Integrated Studies theme for the term is WATER. We will be learning all about the properties of water (through experiments with floating and sinking, evaporation and displacement), studying the water cycle, looking at how people, animals and plants use the river, creeks and lakes to live and then venturing out to sea to learn about marine life (and we may dabble in some pirate fun)!
Our Mentor Texts for this term will be based around the theme of Water and we will use these to not only increase our vocabulary knowledge and improve our comprehension skills but also as a stimulus for our own writing.
In Numeracy we will spend some time learning about money and setting up our classroom shop and also collecting data to graph. We will also be revising and expanding our knowledge of all mathematics topics covered over the previous three terms.
News from Mr Collins
Welcome back everyone. We have a super busy eleven weeks ahead of us. In Maths we will revising most topics and filling in any gaps that the students have individually. In Writing we are focusing on Poetry before moving onto a mix of genres with a focus on presentation. Integrated Studies will guide the students through all things water related including the water cycle, oceans, lakes, rivers, water pollution and filtration and even some work on pirates. It's great to be back.
Art News
In the final week of Term 3 the students completed the unit on Textiles by making a sock puppet. The brief was to make it as colourful and creative as possible. I am sure you will agree by the pictures below that the students achieved this goal.
Next term we will be completing works in the area of sculpture. Most of our art work will have a water based theme to match in with our Integrated Studies topic.