From the Office

News From the Principal
Cluster Science Day
In the final week of Term 3 we hosted the annual Campaspe Small School's Cluster Science Day at Raywood. We were joined by students and staff from Elmore, Colbinnabbin, Nanneella and Goornong Primary Schools and OLSH- Elmore. This meant we had close to 200 students here and they rotated around six activities all with a science basis. Students were able to learn about reflection and refraction, physics, centre of mass, wind propulsion, optical illusions and strength. Days such as this provide our students with opportunity to mix with students from other schools, learn from less familiar teachers and gives us a chance to showcase our wonderful and well resourced school.
Year 3/4 Camp
Our Year 3 and 4 Students are off to Camp Kookaburra next Tuesday. They will be joined by their Year 3/4 peers from the other five Campaspe Small Schools as well as a staff member from each school. Mr Collins will be taking them to camp and be our school's supervising teacher until Friday morning. Miss Duffy will then come to give him a well-earned break and stay with our group until 1pm and then return them safety (albeit a little tired, I suspect) back to school. We will text families when we arrive, students can be picked up from school or go home on the bus at 3.20pm as normal. I am sure Mr Collins will do some Facebook updates (internet pending) from camp so we can all see what fun they are up to. For those of you who wanted to look up the camp and see what fun might be install for our campers, this is their website
Year 5/6 Camp
On Tuesday October 22nd our big kids will be off to Anglesea (Burnside Camp) for three days of fun (hopefully in the sun) with their Campaspe Small School's Cluster friends. Miss Duffy will be attending this camp along with the principals from the other five schools. This camp is a real adventure style camp with lots of physical activities and challenges for our students (hopefully they will then sleep soundly all night long). We leave from Elmore Primary School at 7.15am (please be there at 7am) and are expected to return on at 5pm on Thursday October 24th.
End of Term
Our final day of Term 3 saw us host a Footy Colours Day. Students and staff were invited to come along to school dressed in the colours of the team of their choice. The students were also able to participate in footy themed activities during the middle session of the day before tucking into a traditional footy lunch of pies, sausage rolls and mini hot dogs. Gold coins donated on the day have been forwarded to the official footy colours day fundraising event for fighting childhood cancer. Thank you to the students, their families and staff for supporting this event.
Please note- the following are Student Free Days for Term 4
- Wednesday October 30th ( Bendigo Cup Day)- we take this day instead of Melbourne Cup Day as we are in the City of Greater Bendigo Shire.
- Wednesday December 4th- Teachers will take this day to finalise assessments and write student reports.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy
Message from Bree in the office
Audrey Felini is collecting clean, empty Mini M&M tubes from now until October. If you have any, please send them to school. These will be used for our end of the year Christmas sessions that Audrey runs for our students.