Learning Across the ELC

Banksia Room
Acknowledgement to Country
The Blue and Gold Banksia children have enjoyed coming together as a community every morning to do the ‘Acknowledgement to Country’ to thank the Kaurna people for sharing the land. This week, we learnt a new Kaurna Song with Mrs De Alwis to sing during our morning group time. This is a very special moment for our Banksia community to come together at the beginning of each day and greet each other, and the educators and discuss the learning experiences for the day.
Visual Art: Observational Art
As the children have begun to observe the seasonal changes in our environment this week, we introduced two spring flower inspiration tables. One table featured vibrant purple and pink cherry blossom flowers accompanied by watercolour paints, while the other showcased yellow banksia and wattle flowers with acrylic paints. These tables provided the children with an opportunity to explore the beauty of spring through different artistic mediums.
Banksia Room Teachers
Last Wednesday one of our Preschool student's Dad visited us with his firefighting co-workers from the Metropolitan Fire Service. This incursion gave the children an opportunity to ask many questions about emergencies and calling 000, reinforcing what we had been learning through the child protection curriculum. We were learning the difference between safe and unsafe fires. We were able to see firefighter Sam in his protective uniform, showing us his high-visibility helmet, thick jacket, air tank, and the many tools kept in his pockets (ropes, gloves and special keys). We learnt that when it is smoky in a building we need to 'get down low and go, go go!' The safest place for us to go is outside our house and wait at the letterbox, so we practiced crawling to a pretend letterbox. We were shown how to 'Stop (cover our face), Drop and Roll', if our clothing is on fire. Then we were very lucky to go out to Talbot Grove, to investigate the inside of a fire engine and squirt the high-power hose at some cones placed on Talbot Grove. It was a very exciting opportunity for children to learn about keeping safe in our community. We asked many questions, and at Yarning Time children shared what they had learnt and their favourite part of the incursion.
Ms Cocca and Ms Lauder
Preschool Teachers