Sowing the SEADs of Success

The wellbeing of young people in schools is everyone's business
R U OK Day? was celebrated on Thursday 12 September at Loreto College Marryatville Adelaide.
R U OK day is an Australian non-profit suicide prevention organisation, founded by advertiser Gavin Larkin in 2009. It revolves around the slogan "R U OK?" and advocates for people to have conversations with others.
A conversation could change a life | R U OK?
I was fortunate to participate in Mental Health First Aid Training run by Dr Michael Carr-Gregg in Adelaide. Michael is one of Australia's highest profile psychologists, who is a successful author, speaker, broadcaster and mental health advocate. Michael works in private practice in Melbourne.
Young people make up 17% of the population but 100% of the future.
Dr Michael Carr-Gregg
At Loreto College Marryatville, we are committed to the future of the young people in our care, with the support from our Student Health Support (SHS) team including expert counsellors, award-winning leaders of wellbeing and academic care, nursing staff, a highly skilled curriculum developer and mentor teachers. Our award winning SEAD (Social Emotional Academic Development Program) is data-driven and is specifically tailored to meet the changing wellbeing needs of our students. R U OK Day is celebrated across the College with all members of staff and students.
400 years ago, the founder of Loreto Schools, Mary Ward promoted the importance of "an open circle of friends". To expand on Mary Ward's vision today, we encourage open and supportive dialogue to meet the needs of everyone in our community.
We are committed to providing Mental Health First Aid Training to ALL teaching and non-teaching staff by January 2025. Michael Carr-Greg's 3 tips to start the open conversation with young people:
1. "Hey I've noticed..."
2. "Help me understand..."
3. "So, what you are saying..."
Our Senior Student Executive leaders have organised activities across the college to promote the importance of checking in on each other.
More resources on Loreto Connect SEAD pages:
Loreto Connect - SEAD Resources for Parents
The Importance of Outdoor Education
We don’t grow when things are easy, we grow when we are challenged.
I am an advocate for the learning opportunities and teachable moments that an outdoor education program can provide. Furthermore, the lifelong memories and resilience that young people obtain through outdoor learning.
Getting out into nature is therapeutic, and for our girls from Year 3-12 our camps are thoughtfully designed to present them with challenges and find a balance with mindful and reflective moments.
Last week our Year 9 and Year 11students travelled out to Robe and Flinders Ranges respectively and this week our Year 10s are on Kangaroo Island and Year 6 girls are off to Canberra, embracing the opportunities beyond the classroom!
Weeks 9 and 10 Term 3
We look forward to the Senior School Leadership Handover, Senior School Music Evening and Senior School Sports Awards night (pelase refer to the Events and News page for details), and - drum roll please - Mission Day!
Ms Emma Searle
Assistant Principal - Wellbeing and Engagement