Middle School News-Yr 3/4

Upcoming events: -
Wednesday 18th September | Madagascar Production at Genazzano
End of Term Mass at 9.15am |
Thursday 19th September | Madagascar Production at Genazzano |
Friday 20th September | End of Term 3 |
This week, our students have been hard at work creating insightful flow charts that identify specific barriers people may face in their daily lives. These charts illustrate how these challenges might arise, ways to overcome them, and even feature student-designed inventions aimed at supporting individuals in overcoming these obstacles. Their creativity and empathy truly shine through in these thoughtful solutions. We are incredibly proud of their innovative thinking.
This term, our students have been deepening their understanding of the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—by engaging in a unique project that blends art and technology. Using AI-generated images, students reimagined traditional representations of the Trinity, creating visuals that reflect their personal interpretations of this profound concept. This innovative approach allowed them to explore the spiritual meaning behind the Trinity in a modern context, combining creativity, faith, and technology.
In Literacy, students teamed up with partners to illustrate and write about key events from the book Matilda. They have also written stories using all the narrative writing techniques they've learned—such as character development, setting, dialogue, and plot structure—they created their own vivid narratives. Their narratives showcase the progress they've made in crafting engaging stories. We’re excited to share their hard work and creativity!
Here are some examples of their work;
Once there was a little boy who loved to read. He was pale, had glasses and always wore a white with brown pants. His name was James. Everyday James would go to the library and read about fifty chapter books. This little boy was five years old and was very remarkable.
Yesterday, James had gone to the library and read his fifty chapter books as normal but he felt a bit tired after reading so he went home early. James ate his dinner very fast and went to bed. Within five minutes James was asleep.
Suddenly, he found himself in the big, endless, pink sky on a book. The book seemed to be flying. James thought this was wonderful. He kept floating into the unknown with a smile on his face. Unfortunately a big thundering storm appeared and swept him into a rain cloud. “ Hello!” yelled James. “ Can someone help me” called James. “I can help” answered the magical book. WHOOSH! James and the book flew out of the deep, dark rain cloud.
They flew into a mysterious cave. James got off the book and ran into the mysterious cave. RRR! There was a gigantic boulder coming towards him. The book went in front of James and got squashed, but still stopped the boulder. James started crying, but he kept running into the cave. He found treasure. James was about to pick it up, when his mom called. “ Wake Up, you're going to be late for school. James woke up and realised it was a dream.
The Girl and the book
Once upon a time there was a girl named Sophie. Sophie was a caring and encouraging girl. She would help people in need and people that need help. Until one night.
Sophie was in her bed reading until she heard a sound. Sophie got a little scared but then she said to herself, it’s nothing, it’s nothing to worry about. Sophie decided to have a look around to see what it was. She looked around in her room in the cupboard in the closet but there was nothing to be seen. Sophie went outside of her room and into the hallway but all she could see was just the light beaming from her brother Michaels bedroom as he was playing minecraft.
Sophie tiptoed all the way down the hallway to find out what the sound was. Until she heard a sound it was her mum saying, “MICHAEL TURN OFF THE STUPID MINECRAFT AND GO TO SLEEP!!!”.Sophie ran all the way back to her room. She heard the sound once again, it was this twinkle twinkle sound coming from the chest she had in her room that she totally forgot to check. As Sophie was opening the chest her mum was walking down the hallway towards her room, Sophie ran into bed and she pretended to be asleep. Her mum walked in and said, “good night my sweet heart”.
Sophie’s mum walked out and that’s when Sophie opened the chest and it was a huge map to find something, it was a map to find a family book and it wasn’t any other family book. It was Sophie's family book. Sophie said to herself, I will set off tomorrow to find this family book.
Early in the morning Sophie got up, grabbed the map and off she went. Sophie went through the town down the hillside and all the way to the deep dark woods. “It’s getting dark and I need to get back home but then I won't be able to get the family book”, said Sophie. So Sophie went into the woods, she could hear howls and hoots from the wolves and the owls .
As Sophie was walking in the woods she could see the chest with the book and a very, very, hungry, wolf. Sophie ran to the chest and grabbed the book and started running back out of the woods, over the hillside and through the town. Finally Sophie made it home safely.
Students have been exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, identifying and classifying them, and developing a strong understanding of geometric concepts. Through hands-on activities and problem-solving tasks, the students have strengthened their spatial reasoning and analytical skills. Their enthusiasm and growing confidence with these concepts have been wonderful to see.
- Student’s need to bring their charged device everyday.
- Canteen on Monday & Friday, student’s are responsible for their own money.
- Assembly is now held fortnightly on a Friday Morning in the Atrium.
PE Uniform Required
3/4 KM | 3/4 TM | 3/4 M |
PE - Monday Class Sport - Friday | PE - Monday Class Sport - Tuesday | PE - Tuesday Class Sport - Friday |
Parent - Teacher Communication
3/4 KM | 3/4 TM | 3/4 M |
Monday - Thursday Cecily Kerr: ckerr@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
Friday Leah Blake lblake@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
| Monday-Wednesday, Friday Olivia Tallarico: otallarico@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au Thursday Diandra Merola: dmerola@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au | Lucy McNamara: lcmnarama@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au |