Parents' Association Update
SKiPPA Term 4
Parents' Association Update
SKiPPA Term 4
Term 3 was a big term for SKiPPA!
These events don’t just happen, they happen because of our fabulous community of parents and carers that volunteer their time – Thank you!
This term we will continue to run Sushi Friday – thankyou to the support of Alex and the team at Izu Sushi (inside Woolworths Metro).
This order will be for sushi every Friday from 18 October - 13 December (9 weeks). Orders are open now and close 17 October 10AM - NO orders will be taken after this date for term 4.
Our kids spend weeks preparing for this night, it’s their big opportunity to perform with their friends, in front of their families and has become a highlight of the school year.
To complement the stellar performances, we (parents/carers) run food stalls and the famous COTA cake stall.
This year we really need more parents to support the stalls, without parent/ carer support the stalls can’t run.
Support can be;
If you would like to get involved, please join us in the School Meeting Room (entry via the School Office) at 8AM this Friday 11th October. If you can’t attend on Friday, get in touch with a SKiPPA member or email to contribute to this magical night ✨
If you would like to know anything else about SKIPPA, or if you would like to drive a new event or build on an existing event please let us know by joining our meetings or emailing us at