Level 1: Connect

Welcome back to all of our lovely families! We have heard many stories about your break and it seems students have come back rested and ready for their final term of Grade 1!! Can you believe it?!
Hats must be worn this term! UV has been quite high already. No hat, no play. Students are more than welcome to leave their hats in their bag tubs at school if this helps.
Over the past two weeks we have focused on the /ou/ as in ouch digraph. Also, /ow/ as in slow and /ow/ as in cow.
Our hearts words have been our, out, house, know, flower, now, how, and down.
Morphology- we learnt the prefix un- which means not, For example untidy, unlucky, unsafe and unpack. Also the prefix dis- which means the opposite of such as disagree, dishonest, disobey.
Developmental Play:
We have continued on with our classroom learning by following procedural texts during Developmental Play. This week we followed instructions for an experiment with shaving cream and food dye. We also conducted an experiment with water, pepper and soap to learn about the importance of washing our hands!
That's it from us!
Have a super fortnight!
Level 1 Team
Suzanne, Anthony, Leon, Nishtha