Level 4: Connect

Welcome to Term 4, Level 4 families! It promises to be an exciting, hardworking and action packed term. It's so hard to believe that this is already the last term of the year- time certainly does fly when you're having fun!
Much of the content in literacy and numeracy will be clarification, consolidation and extension of the content covered thus far in Terms 1-3. As this is of course a report writing term, there will be many assessments that your child will undertake in the coming weeks.
We have an exciting inquiry focus this term- Biological Science- please see below. Students will complete a project later in the term and we look forward to welcoming up families and friends once again for another Level 4 Project Expo! Stay tuned for further details...
Please remember too that your child needs to come to school every day with a school hat. 'No hat, no play' will be mandated until the end of term and well into next year as well.
- Level 4 Excursion to Melbourne Museum and IMAX Thursday on the 14th November. We do require a few extra volunteers for this particular excursion, so if you are available to assist us please let us know via COMPASS.
During the past fortnight we have been reviewing personal recounts and focusing on adding details, interesting sentence starters and imitating what good writers do. Our reading sessions have been supported through the mentor text Searching for Cicadas by Leslie Gibbes and we have been revisiting a range of comprehension strategies. In the fortnight looking ahead, we will be looking persuasive texts. Students are engaged during the introduction of our literacy sessions where we are reviewing morphology and spelling rules as part of our core literacy practise.
We have hit the ground running with numeracy ths term. Students have been involved in lots of geometry- notably angles and 2D shapes. Students have been classifying angles into acute, obtuse, straight, right and reflex angles. Through their understanding and skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, students have been able to calculate the missing degrees in a given angle and/or shape. We have begun to use protractors to measure angles as well.
All up, it has been a top effort from our Level 4 mathematicians.
Please encourage your child to complete their set Mathletics tasks as there are many students with outstanding activities that have yet to be completed. Thank you for your support with this.
This semester students will be exploring Biological Science. In this unit, we will explore the fascinating world of living organisms and ecosystems, focusing on the life cycles, adaptations, and interdependencies of plants and animals, particularly in Australian environments. Students will learn to distinguish between living and non-living things, classify animals and plants, and understand the impact of environmental changes such as droughts and climate change on these life cycles. By examining ecosystems like the Murray-Darling Basin and the Great Barrier Reef, students will also investigate the roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers and learn how to contribute to biodiversity conservation.
Kitchen and Garden:
Last week in kitchen, students made Spaghetti Primavera. Using some ingredients from our garden, students practiced their chopping and cooking skills to make a delicious and healthy dish that many went back for seconds and even thirds!
Thanking you all in anticipation of your support this term. We look forward to seeing you all
again soon.
Level 4 Teachers.