Level 3: Connect

Claire Parsons, Amanda Stanford/Eileen Thompson, Johanna Fitness / Lizzie Parmar

It's Term 4! The UV is increasing. Please remember to bring your school hat!

Hello Level 3 Families,


Welcome Back to Term 4! This year is going way to fast!

We are so proud of the way the students have jumped back into their learning.


Extra Home Learning


Write a silly story using some or all our weird words - picture, measure, history, dictionary, general, real, idea.


Reading- Make an inference about the following statement: 

Janie was soaking wet and feeling cold. She saw her friends and walked over to their table. “Have you already ordered” asked Janie.

Where is Janie?

Why is she wet?



Imagine you are a character in a book. Describe yourself: How do you behave? What is your personality like? What do you look like? How do you walk and talk? What lessons do you learn throughout your journey? Hint: show don’t tell.



Create a simple receipt for purchases you made at an imaginary shop. List the items, their prices, the total cost, and the change you would receive.


Inquiry / ERP

 This term we are learning about health- how to have healthy minds, healthy bodies and healthy social interactions with others. 

One of the things we learnt about ths week was how many hours we need to sleep each night so we can be physically and emotionally ready for the next day. Having a good sleep routine is extreamly helpful. We encouraged students to relax after dinner and not turn on their devices.

Some ways to help the students relax:



In Science we are learning to be curious and increase our knowledge on the Scientific Method. We did a lot of asking questions, making observations, taking notes, following the clues and working in a team. We have also been working on our "lab skills" by using water droppers properly and learning about how to stay safe when conducting experiments. 



We are continuing to learn about writing narratives using interesting language and character descriptions. We have learnt about how Freya Blackwood wrote the book "The garden of broken things" and have investigated how to write about characters and how they act in the book. Over the next few weeks we will be writing the text to Freya Blackwood's book "The Boy and the Elephant". Her book has no words so we are going to have a go at writing in her style the story of the boy and the elephant.



We have been learning about money for the past two weeks and now we will be moving on to Probability and Angles. If you'd like to keep practising counting money skills at home, feel free to access the following online game: https://www.mathsisfun.com/money/money-master.html