Wellbeing Awards
Presented to Foundation - Year 5 Students at School Assembly
Friday, 13th of September @ 2.45pm
Owen H - FJR For being an outstanding role model who consistently gives his best effort and demonstrates remarkable attention to detail in all his work.
Christopher G - FMH For using great strategies to help develop his resilience
Raphael B - FAM For being a team player by consistently helping out in the classroom, even when he's not asked to. Keep up the great work Raphy!
Will C - FMK For challenging himself in his learning and always trying his best.
Jack F - FJC You have shown amazing resilience and commitment in all your learning this week and you have been a superstar listener. Well done, Jack!
Maggie K -1LP For the outstanding growth she has made in reading. Maggie, it has been so wonderful to see your confidence blossom. You should be so proud!
Isla R - 1AW For being a kind and helpful member of our school. You are always looking out for others, and you are quick to lend a hand. Well done Isla!
Meg B - 1GL For being kind to others and being a terrific listener.
Isobel C - 1JE For your incredible curiosity and inquisitive mind! You consistently ask thoughtful questions, seek out new knowledge, and demonstrate a genuine love of learning.
Harvey E - 2AG For fantastic effort and commitment in his writing. Well done Harvey!
Beau O'B - 2JM For always being a kind and compassionate friend to all.
Harry T- 2MS For your outstanding creativity in capturing the spirit of ‘Warami’ with an illustration for the Drawing Us Together Book.’
Jack Men - 2JE For being a wonderful role model and showing great leadership qualities on our Year 2 excursion.
Lilly G - 3NK For her outstanding commitment, focus and positivity she has displayed towards all learning tasks. Keep up the amazing work Lil!
Jai R - 3PC For being a cool, calm and collected class member in 3PC. Well done on being a great role model.
Charles F - 3MP For always being a committed learner and challenging himself where he can. Well done Charles.
Max D - 4RB For always bringing such positivity, compassion and fun to 4RB.
Milla B - 4SE For always giving 100% effort toward her learning. Her commitment to self-improvement is an inspiration!
Katie Z - 4JH For her maturity and confidence when dealing with tricky issues within our school.
Angus B - 5CC For working extremely hard on his Geography project and putting in lots of effort.
Parker C - 5FA For always being a helpful, kind and compassionate classmate.