Important Concert Information

Students from Foundation to Year 6 will be performing songs in the theme of "Rock Through the Ages". The concert will be replicated on 2 nights - Monday 21st October and Tuesday 22nd October, commencing at 7pm. Students need to be at the venue at 6.30pm.
We have had a change in venue this time and we apologise for this. Unfortunately, this means a reduction in the number of audience seats that are available. Therefore, families are limited to the number of tickets they can purchase - there is a maximum of 2 tickets per family, that is 1 booking per family. Families must not make 2 bookings,as we need to ensure that all SSPS families have the opportunity to buy 2 tickets, otherwise there will be families that miss out. For those that have booked more than the allocated 2 tickets the extra tickets will be refunded.
All students need to be at both performances. Students can be dropped off and picked up or alternative arrangements need to be made.
Each family must purchase tickets by 12 noon Thursday 17th October 2024. After this date tickets unsold will be re-released to the school community.The cost is $25 for Adults and $15 for children, tickets do not need to be purchased for SSPS students. There is also a 50c booking fee per ticket. The cost of the tickets includes a professional videographer recording of the concert performance.
Trybooking link -
Kel Watson Theatre
Forest Hill College
Mahoneys Road
Burwood East 3151
When you book your tickets online you will be able to view a map of the Theatre and select the seats that you wish to sit in. You will then be allocated a seat number and you will be required to have a copy of your ticket on you on the night to show proof of purchase and your allocated seat number. There will be no sales on the night.
If you need support with booking your ticket please contact the School Office.
We look forward to seeing you at the concert.
从预科到六年级的学生将表演主题为“Rock Through the Ages”的歌曲。音乐会将在 10 月 21 日星期一和 10 月 22 日星期二晚上 7 点开始两晚举行。学生需于下午 6.30 到达会场。
这次我们改变了场地,对此我们深表歉意。不幸的是,这意味着可用观众座位数量的减少。 因此,家庭购买的门票数量受到限制 - 最多邀请 2 名家长/家庭成员参加 2 晚。所有学生都需要参加两场表演。可以接送学生或需要做出其他安排。
每个家庭必须在 2024 年 10 月 17 日(星期四)中午 12 点之前购买门票。在此日期之后,未售出的门票将重新发放给学校社区。
成人票价为25澳元,儿童为15澳元,SSPS学生无需购买门票。每张票还需支付 50c 的预订费。 门票费用包括专业摄影师录制音乐会表演的费用。
尝试预订链接 -地点:凯尔沃森剧院森林山学院马奥尼斯路伯伍德东 3151
当您在线预订门票时,您将能够查看剧院地图并选择您想要坐在的座位。然后您将获得一个座位号,并且您需要随身携带门票副本晚上出示购买证明和您分配的座位号。 当晚不会有任何销售。如果您需要订票支持,请联系学校办公室。我们期待在音乐会上见到您。