Religious Education

Mr Ray Hickey

The Sacrament of Confirmation 

On Saturday 12 October, our Year Six students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Other eligible young people from within St Michael's parish who do not attend our school will also be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

Bishop Les Tomlinson will hear the children renew their baptismal promises and anoint them with the Chrism Oil. The Chrism Oil is used is used for Baptisms, Confirmations, Ordinations, blessing of churches and altars. It symbolizes strength, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and consecrates someone or something to God's service. 

Please pray for all the young people of our school and parish as they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and continue their faith journey. 


St Michael's Feast Day and a big welcome to our new parish priest Fr Darien Sticklen

On Wednesday 9 October, we gathered to celebrate Mass as a community to acknowledge the Feast of St Michael and the guardian angels as well as welcoming Fr Darien as our new parish priest. 

St Michael and all the guardian angels celebrated their feast day on Wednesday 2nd 

October when we were on our school holidays. 

St Michael is our guardian and protector who is always watching out for us, just as we watch out for each other in our community.

Fr Darien made the Mass more meaningful for the students by explaining the different parts of the Mass. He also explained the prayers he was saying and actions he was doing and how they related to Jesus and the Last Supper. We are looking forward to celebrating more class and school masses with Fr Darien.

Thank you to the students who read the Prayers of the Faithful and of course a big thank you to Mrs Lampe and the school choir for leading the singing. 

Today is extra special as we welcome Fr Darien as our new parish priest. 

We look forward to many more opportunities to celebrate class Masses, sacraments and class visits with Fr Darien.

Pope Francis' Prayer Intentions for October 

For a shared mission

Let us pray that the Church continues to sustain a synodal lifestyle in every way, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, communion and mission shared by priests, religious and laity.




Australia's new Cardinal of the Catholic Church 

Please read this link informing us of the newly appointed Cardinal for Australia. 

His Grace Mykola Bychok CSsR, Bishop of the Eparchy of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne for Ukrainian Catholics in Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania, a Cardinal of the Catholic Church, is one of 21 new Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church.