Parents and Friends Association

Next PFA Meeting - Monday 14th Oct
All welcome to attend, to be held in the School Admin building @ 7pm.
Helpers Wanted for the Spring Concert BBQ - Tuesday 15th Oct
PFA organised BBQ will be held during the second week of Term 4 supporting Spring Music concert!
If you are interested in volunteering on 15th October, please contact the PFA Committee via
Just a reminder, any volunteers in school need to have Working With Children Check.
Parents and Friends Association Committee
The PFA committee is a great way to be involved, connect with families and raise funds for the school. It is a great way to provide parent feedback as well.
You can volunteer as much or as little as you can.
PFA office bearers are as below:
President: Ed Meszaros
Vice President: Jo Prendergast
Secretary: Vicky Bouranis
Treasurer: Andrew Robbins
If you would like to join the committee, please complete the registration form below and email it to
Once you are registered you will have access to our PFA Teams folder and will also be added to our WhatsApp thread.
We look forward to sharing and creating great community events with you all!
Kind regards,
Parents and Friends Association