
Dear Families,
Welcome back to Term 4! We have a busy term ahead of us with many exciting learning opportunities.
Education in Faith
Our Grade 1/2 Mass will be held at 9.15am on Tuesday 29th October. As always, many students will be involved in the Mass, undertaking readings, presenting the Offertory and of course beautiful singing! You are warmly invited to join us for this Mass.
This Term our Social Emotional Learning topic is Identity and Belonging. We will be relating this directly with our Education in Faith lessons, about Catholic Identity. We begun the term by reading the book 'Who's In My Family?' The students enjoyed learning about what different families look like and what they enjoy doing together. The students had an opportunity to share who is in their family and how they come together. In our next lesson we discussed how we belong to our Catholic Family and how we come together as a Catholic school community.
During this term our Inquiry focus in all about creativity. We have begun to consider all the different ways we can be creative. Each week we will try out some 'Creativity Crackers' to really practise exploring our own, and others, creative thinking.
Here are some of the ones we are thinking about.....
Please make sure you have been on Operoo and given permission for our upcoming excursion to Cranbourne Botanic Gardens on Wednesday 23rd October.
Thanks to all those who have already done so.