Body Education

Body Education
This term our students will be participating in Body Education sessions as part of the Victorian Health Curriculum, and supported by the Child Safety Standards.
Kelly Nash will be visiting our school to lead these sessions alongside our classroom teachers. Many of you will remember Kelly from the Family Body Education evenings last year. We had some wonderful feedback from our parents and decided to bring Kelly back this year to support our learning programme.
Kelly’s aim is to support (not substitute) families in this important area of education. Your role in this time is important, as she will be asking junior students to tell you about what they did in their Body Ed sessions and the older students will interview you regarding your experience of teen years. This allows you to be actively involved and if you choose, use the springboard of the program to prompt discussion at home.
Kelly makes it a priority to use respectful and inclusive language with the students and the sessions are fun and informal. They involve games and activities as well as discussion, and your child is welcome to involve themselves as much or as little as they feel comfortable to do so.
Specific information about the Body Education sessions for each year level will be sent to you through Operoo. In addition, Kelly will be running an online Parent Information session on Tuesday 15th October at 6:30pm. We encourage at least one parent from each family to attend this session to familiarise yourself with the content and ask any questions you may have.
Topic: SFX Body Ed Parent/Carer Information session
Time: Oct 15, 2024 06:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 6548 2139
Passcode: 581312
Body Education Session Dates:
Tuesday 22nd October: Year Prep, 1 and 2
Tuesday 29th October: Year 3&4 and Year 5&6 Session 1
Wednesday 30th October: Year 3&4 and Year 5&6 Session 2