
2024 World Skills Australia VET in Schools Hairdressing Competition
On Wednesday 18th September we were lucky enough to have some of our VET Hairdressing students compete in the 2024 World Skills Australia VET in Schools Hairdressing Competition. All our students did exceptionally well, with the following students taking home awards:
A1 Category - Ladies Shampoo, Hair and Scalp Treatment:
Canny Poo-Ngarm - GOLD MEDAL
B1 Category - Blow-Dry on live model:
Canny Poo-Ngarm - SILVER MEDAL
Mikaila Mead - BRONZE MEDAL
C1 Category - Creative Long Hair Braid Design from photo:
Mikaila Mead - SILVER MEDAL
D1 Category - Creative Long Hair Braid Design Using Minimum of 2 Braids:
Mikaila Mead - SILVER MEDAL
Congratualtions to all of our students who participated, we were all excited to be there to support you on your learning journey.
Congratulations to Award winners:
Canny Poo-Ngarm & Mikaila Mead
Wendy D'Alton
VET Salon Teacher
Late in Term 3, a small group of Year 10 students attended the annual Casey Youth Summit at Bunjil Place.
Students participated in a day dedicated to collaboration, empowering young voices, and creating meaningful learning experiences. There were 3 workshops specialising in Leadership, Behaviour Change and AI.
It was a great day that provided students with the opportunity to meet peers from other schools, engage with the wider community and develop valuable leadership skills.
The Casey Youth Summit was a great educational and social event. I really enjoyed listening to the guest speakers as they spoke about the things that shaped them into the leaders that they have become as well as participating in workshops that allowed us to not only refine the skills that we already had as leaders, but also learn new skills that we could then take back with us and instil into our own roles in both school and life. It was also a great opportunity to meet student leaders from other schools as it helped us to meet new people as well as to see other students’ leadership styles and share our knowledge. Phoenix Street, Year 10.