Parents and Friends

Colour Run

We are very excited to confirm that we will be hosting a Colour Run on Friday 20th September, the last day of term 3.

In addition to the Colour Run, we are running a fundraising component to this day and if you are able to contribute to this, we would be grateful. Funds raised will go directly to the purchase of sports equipment. Within each year level, the class that raises the most funds will receive a pizza lunch with Mrs Black and Mrs Strom in term 4.


The students will be invited to enjoy a beef sausage or veggie burger at morning recess and then we will host the Colour Run on the back oval from 12-1pm.


A colour run involves the students running through an obstacle course on the back oval at school.  Our volunteers will squirt the kids in coloured powder to increase the fun!

The powder is non-toxic, non-flammable, environmentally-friendly and skin safe. It is made of premium quality corn starch and permitted certified colours.


While it is a messy endeavour, the powder is designed to wash out of clothing.

Our volunteers on the day will be instructed to aim the powder below the shoulders of the children to avoid getting the powder in their faces.


We ask that if you are allowing your child to participate in this event, please get them to wear a white t-shirt on the day of the event (casual clothes will be the uniform of the day).  


If your child would prefer not to be squirted with colour, please send them to school in a black t-shirt, so all volunteers know they are not taking part.


Operoo forms seeking permission for participation in the event and the sausage sizzle have been sent out.  Please reply to these so we can make appropriate plans.


Events for 2024

We’ve been busy planning out events for the remainder of the 2024 school year.  Look out for more information as we get closer to these dates.

Friday 20 SeptemberColour Fun Run & Sausage sizzle
Friday 25 OctoberLadies Dinner @ The Dingley Hotel
Saturday 16 NovemberVision Portraits Family Photo Shoot


Megan Champion

P&F President