Around the Classrooms

Year 3/4C

We have been busy making ads this term in 3/4C! During Literacy, the 3/4s have been learning about persuasive devices that big companies use to convince us to buy their products. The class have been creating their own slogans and jingles, using exaggeration and hyperbole to try and enhance their appeal to the target audience as well as adding in a soundtrack and rhetorical questions to leave the audience thinking. 


In the last fortnight, 3/4C have been recording their advertisements and fine tuning their ideas to create exciting and creative ads for their own products. Students have planned their advertisements, written scripts, made example products and recorded their ad on their chromebooks. Some students worked collaboratively in groups while others chose to work independently to advertise their products. 


Students created slides, posters and backgrounds to help advertise their products. Some items they created were Monster Breath Slime, Gobstopper Paintball, Reappearing Candy Bracelet and Pizza Playtime. So creative! 


Miss Emily Casaceli - Year 3/4C teacher