HT Helfpul Information

Management of illness in schools, including COVID

We appear to be having a better run in regards to student attendance, with less student absence over the last couple of weeks. However, the message remains the same - if your child is unwell or symptomatic, they must stay at home.


The government advice continues to recommend that staff members, students or visitors who have symptoms of cold, influenza or COVID-19 undergo testing for COVID-19. Parents of symptomatic students should be asked to collect their child from school and keep them home until they are no longer symptomatic. The Department of Health recommends that staff and students who test positive for COVID-19 isolate for a minimum of 5 days and do not attend school until their symptoms resolve.

Emergency Contact Details -  SIMON / PAM

Below are the steps to follow which updating Emergency Contact details via the SIMON Everywhere APP.

  • Access the SIMON Everywhere App on your device
  • Select the `HOME’ icon
  • Select a child (if you have more than one child)
  • Under the profile menu, select the `Medical Profile’ drop down option
  • Select `Edit Details’
  • Under `Medical Contacts’ select `add contact’
  • Under `Contact Type’ select `Emergency’
  • Add the contact details of all Emergency Contacts (other than parents)
  • Please update any other relevant medical details at any time

These emergency contact details (other than parents) are extremely important as they will be used in the event that we cannot get in contact with a parent.


If you need to update additional details such as home address, email address or phone number, please provide this information via the following link. This information will be updated by our school admin staff. This form is available in PAM.  SIMON / PAM update details.


School Uniform Supplier


Final uniform deliveries to schools will be next week, week commencing 11/12/23.


Deliveries to school will resume when the school office reopens in 2024.

Classroom Cuisine

Classroom Cuisine lunch orders are available for students on Wednesdays.  

Please place orders no later than 8.30 am on a Wednesday. 





Orders close strictly at 3pm on Thursdays


This Term Subway orders will close at 3pm the Thursday before delivery day.

Subway have communicated this information to all parents using the App.




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