Religious Education
Sacrament of Eucharist Congratulations & Photo Request
We congratulate all the children from Holy Trinity that received their First Eucharist at St Jude’s Church last weekend.
The Eucharist is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation, important steps in the journey to becoming a full member of the Catholic Church (Baptism and Confirmation are the other two). During the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the students received the Blessed Host for the first time. Fr Jerald blessed the bread and wine, reminding us of when Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples.
We sincerely thank Fr Jerald for celebrating this important Sacrament. We also extend our gratitude to the families and staff for their support throughout the children’s Sacramental journey.
While many students were naturally nervous about receiving the Host for the first time, they were happy and relieved once the ceremony was completed. It was wonderful to have families and school staff supporting them on such a significant occasion in their faith journey. Afterwards, many families held celebrations to recognise this special milestone. We trust the children had a wonderful day.
If families took a photo of their child, a family photo, or a group photo at one of the Masses, we would greatly appreciate an electronic copy for our school newsletter and archives. Please send photos to my email address: ( ).
Weekly Masses
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at 9.15am
Weekend Masses
Saturday 6pm,
Sunday 8.30am & 10.30am
Reconciliation by appointment (contact Fr Jerald or Fr Joel at Parish Office)
St Jude's Parish Weekly Newsletter