From the Classroom

Grade 2/3S

News from 2/3 Sinclair 


Welcome back to Term 4!!! 


Everyone has returned to school ready to learn and we are very excited about exploring science and asking questions such as: 


How can we think and act like scientists to make discoveries? 

How is science used in everyday life? 


During this term we plan to conduct science experiments and write up lab reports. We are also, already exploring many different scientists and how they have helped make improvements in our world today. 


We have also enjoyed getting back into our book making where we practice being authors and illustrators. Through bookmaking we are developing our love of writing and our writing stamina. Watch out over the next few weeks as students will bring home their completed books.  


In Mathematics, we will continue to develop our multiplication and division skills and build our knowledge of multiples of 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 3’s and 4’s. We have enjoyed learning these using the following songs at Number Rocks- Multiples of.... Although we have found that if we slow down the songs they are easier for use to sing along and practise. 


Over the next couple of weeks, we are also exploring fractions and practising our skills at telling time- especially telling time to half hour, quarter to and quarter past. You can help your child by getting them to read the time on your clocks at home whenever the opportunity arises.  


Please remember that the sun is warming up and as a result we are encouraging all students to now wear their hats during break times. Please ensure your students hats are labelled with their name and in their bags.  



Have a great week! 


Bek Sinclair