From the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends,
I hope you're enjoying the final weeks of summer, it has certainly been warm!
As I mentioned in the last whole school newsletter, we are having upgardes completed to ramps around our school, this work started on Tuesday. In the coming months, significant work will continue around our school to ensure that our ramps and entranceways meet the new standards relating to slope, width and trips. This work is being funded by the Department of Education outside of our regular school budget.
There are 3 large components to this work at Lysterfield Primary School:
- The front steps and ramps
- The entrance near the STEM room
- The large wooden ramp at the back of the school
In all cases, the current infrastructure needs to be removed and replaced. We are working with the contractors to ensure that the disruption to staff, students and families is minimalised and we thank you for your patience while the work is completed.
Celebration Afternoon
Each term we invite families to visit the school to observe the learning of students. This term we will open the school on the afternoon of Monday, March 31st between 3:00-3:30pm.
With our new literature units in place, students from grades 3-6 will have the chance to share their learning related to their whole class novel. I have spent a bit of time in classrooms recently and have been impressed by the discussions about the book and also the vocabulary that students are being taught. A lot of the work connected to these
units is completed orally or on mini whiteboards, which the teachers check many times a lesson. For obvious reasons students will not be able to share this work with you. What you will see is the workbook students use to explore complex themes, vocabulary and sentence level writing.
In grades prep-2 stduents will share work linked to their Knowledge Rich units:
- Prep- I'm a Pegasus
- Grade 1- Health
- Grade 2- Health
Once you have looked at your child's work and discussed it with them, you are welcome to take your child to look at their siblings work, or take them home early. We ask that if you do this you please sign them out on the sheet in their classroom.
Have a great weekend!
Adam Wight, Principal