Learning in Grade 6!


Our current mathematics focus has been on fractions. We have been building on our existing understanding of a fraction representing part of a whole number and applying this to decimals. We will continue to develop and apply this understanding as we move into the use of percentages in everyday life over the next two weeks.



Year 6 writing has started with a focus on the narrative genre. We have been revising the seven steps of writing and are beginning our Time Machine narrative. Revision of the first 72 phonograms is well underway as part of our weekly phonogram review. We are using our phonogram knowledge and applying it during weekly spelling, word work and writing lessons. Our whole class novel study has begun for the year with 6A reading Danny champion of the world, 6B's novel is Darius and the glitter pool and 6C are reading Matilda.



We have been learning about Australia's three levels of government, with some robust conversations about upcoming elections around the world. We have also looked at our representative democracy and our two party preferred system, and how preferential voting works.

We have a parliament incursion this Wednesday 12th March, which will be an exciting and informative experience.  


Interschool Sport Gala Day

Last Tuesday we competed in our first of four interschool sports gala days. We were very impressed with the student's sportsmanship and enthusiasm on this day. All teams competed very well.


Our next day is this Tuesday 11th March. Students will need to come in their sports uniform and be ready to get on the buses by 9am.



We have also been enjoying supporting and getting to know our buddies. It has been very pleasing to see so many grade 6 students step up and take on responsibility for their buddies, assisting them in the classroom at the beginning of the day, when there are some big emotions and playing and offering a friendly face out in the playground. 



A special shoutout to our prep liaisons Alia and Maddi who did an outstanding job supporting the preps as they began spending time in the yard with the whole school.