Group 2 

Settling in at Kinder!


Over the past 5 weeks, Group 2 has been settling into Kinder life, getting to know each other, learning routines, and developing key social skills like sharing and turn-taking. It has been wonderful to see friendships forming as the children grow more confident and engaged each day.

The students are adapting to daily routines, learning to follow their schedules, participating in group time, and gaining independence. The highlight has been the home corner, where their creativity and role-play skills shine! From running a pretend café to caring for baby dolls, the children are enthusiastically using their imagination, language, and collaboration skills.

Another exciting highlight has been the new sensory room, which has quickly become a favourite among the students. It has been wonderful to see them using the room to self-regulate, explore, and engage with their surroundings.

Through a mix of structured activities and free play, the children are building confidence, developing fine and gross motor skills, and learning to work together, share and take turns. Their enthusiasm and curiosity are wonderful to see, and we are excited for all the learning and fun ahead!


Siv & Charan