Parents & Citizens 


P&C Meetings

The P&C usually meet on the first Monday of each month from 5.00pm at the school. Everyone is welcome to come along!

Latest P&C Report

Welcome back to Rocky River School for 2025! This is a special year for our School, with the much anticipated replacement of the Old School Building, but also the 100th  anniversary of our P&C. Hopefully we can celebrate both major achievements together.


Uralla Street Store

Our first major fundraising opportunity is our week in the Uralla Street Store. This year we are scheduled to be in the Street Store from 17th – 23rd March. This is a big commitment by our School families, both in terms of having volunteers available to man the Store, as well as essential donations of items to sell. Baking will also be needed throughout the week, something we have a great reputation for!

We are asking our families to start thinking about items to donate, and whether they any availability to volunteer a few hours over the week. The funds raised here are a massive boost to our School and each and every student benefits, so we encourage all families to contribute in any way they can.


Pizza Party Disco

Our next meeting on Monday 3rd March will be a great night out for our families – our Pizza Party Disco! This is a perfect opportunity for the students to have some supervised fun while parents/carers don’t have to worry about feeding the family – DINNER IS ON US! 

While the kids are having the time of their life, parents are encouraged to find out what the P&C is all about and why we believe supporting our students is such an important priority. This is your opportunity to become a member (just a $1 p.a. fee) before our AGM, where you can vote or stand for executive roles.

With several long standing Executive members having completed their time at Rocky River, this is a great opportunity for new parents to have an active role in supporting your children through their School journey. Showing that you support your child in their early School years will set them up for a happy and connected School experience.

The School will ask for approximate numbers to help with catering. We hope to see you all there!


Change to Lunch Order Day

Due to Band rehearsal  taking place at lunchtime on Thursdays, and volunteer availability,

 we have made a change to the Lunch Order day. From this week, lunch orders will be available on FRIDAYS

If you are available to volunteer an hour in the morning or an hour at lunchtime to help with Lunch Order day, please let Anne in the Office know. 


Uniforms/Clothing Pool

Our low cost clothing pool has been super popular with families this year. The clothing pool is somewhat depleted, so we are asking if anyone has unused or out-grown uniforms in good and wearable condition taking up room in your draws, to please consider donating them to our clothing pool. We understand the great cost of purchasing new uniforms, so our clothing pool is an essential resource to support our students and families. It’s also a great way to reduce, reuse and recycle!


Thank you Uralla Co-Op

The Rocky River P&C would like to say a massive THANK YOU to the Uralla Co-Op for their generous donation of $1000, through their distribution of profits to the community. The Co-Op provides an outlet for second hand treasures, which is a much-loved and well used resource which is run by the community for the community.  



School polo shirts, jumpers and jackets are available through the P&C.  Order forms are available from the school office, the Audiri App and the attachment below.  


We still have some long sleeve shirts available for $10 each in sizes 4, 12, 14, 16 and S.


There are a large number of pre-loved uniform items available at the school office at $5 per item.


Uniforms - Rose 0438 828 247

Canteen - Erica 0422 054 475 



P&C Secretary