Canteen News

Canteen Manager - Emily Wong

Welcome back to the new school year.


We look forward to providing your children with healthy food options for this year and we thank you for your continued support of our school canteen. Ordering will remain online through Qkr! All lunch and recess orders have to placed via Qkr! before 9am during school days; ice treats and snacks will be available at the counter during recess and lunch time. A full canteen menu is included below.


A new school year also means new volunteers are needed to keep the P&C run canteen operating smoothly. If you have one or two mornings free per term, please consider volunteering at the canteen. To add your name to the list of potential volunteers please email canteen manager Emily Wong at or you can sign up to help at canteen via the signup link:


I’m looking forward to seeing all of you soon!