Principal's Message
Mrs Kylie Bryant - Principal
Principal's Message
Mrs Kylie Bryant - Principal
With great excitement, I write the first newsletter of 2025 as I join the fabulous team of educators and support staff here at Roselea Public School. It has been wonderful to meet so many of you over the last week and a half, and I look forward to meeting many more of you tonight at our Meet the Teacher event. In my short time here, the one thing that has stood out is the real sense of community Roselea PS has amongst staff, students and the wider school community. I could feel the warmth and friendliness from the moment I entered the school gates.
Your children have been welcoming and eager to tell me a little about themselves. They have returned to school enthusiastic to learn, keen to meet their new teachers and ready for a year full of friendship, learning, challenge and growth. I have visited every class, and it is wonderful to see our classrooms settled and filled with high expectations and our students already engaged in high quality differentiated learning, the key to growth for each child.
We started the year with our 3-6 Swimming Carnival, and it was great to see house spirit in full swing, along with sportsmanship throughout the competition. While at the carnival, our youngest students began their official schooling journey, and it was wonderful to see so many parents join some of our P&C for a cup of tea and some morning tea. Those connections and friendships we make as parents when our children start school can be our lifeline when we forget things and lead to some of our closest friendships. I encourage all our families to get involved in school life, from joining the P&C, assisting in classrooms, helping at carnivals, volunteering where possible, or just making your way into the playground before and after school to chat. All of these opportunities foster connections and assist in strengthening our school community.
As many of you know, 2025 is the Year of the Snake in Chinese culture with positive symbolism with the skin snakes shed referred to as the ‘dragon’s coat, symbolising good luck, rebirth and reagility’. A new Principal in any school is an opportunity for rejuvenation and reagility. A chance to reflect, consult, refocus and realign to the values and expectations of the community.
As a leader, my priority is always what is in the best interest of the students. They are the centre of all we do, and I am passionate about seeing every child reach their potential in a safe and nurturing environment that engages and challenges them in their learning. I drive a culture of high expectations for teachers, students and the wider community. As the leader of Roselea Public School, I guide, mentor, and support teachers to be the outstanding educators your child needs to inspire students to strive for their best, pursue their passions, and be high-performing. I firmly believe that to meet every child’s needs; we must start with strong connections with families and ensure a sense of belonging for all. As a school, we must have strong wellbeing practices, know each child as an individual, understand their culture, and work in partnership with families to support each child at school.
As the new leader of Roselea PS, I will look to students, the staff and the community for feedback on what they love about our school and future directions. In the coming weeks, you will receive a parent survey asking for feedback on a number of areas. Please take a few moments to share your feedback, which will assist us in future planning. As a leadership team, we spent a day planning for the year ahead and building on all the work achieved in previous years. Our Assistant Principals shared their wealth of knowledge and were proud to share their significant work across the school, particularly in numeracy. Our School Excellence Plan for 2025 will build on this work and incorporate community feedback. I look forward to sharing it with the school community once it is finalised.
Clear and consistent communication is vital in a school, and as a busy working parent, I know how challenging it can be to stay on top of all school communication. To support you in this, I will streamline our communication with all notes, newsletters and general communication coming out on Tuesdays each week. This will allow you to check in once a week and know when to expect information. We will continue to send short reminders and or important immediate notifications via our app eNews. Please ensure that you have downloaded the School Bytes app and access your School Bytes on Tuesdays for all notes.
Our teachers are always eager to speak with parents and are your first port of call if you have any concerns, followed by the Assistant Principal supervising your child’s grade. You can request a meeting or a return phone call at any time by emailing or phoning the school.
Grade Supervisors
K-2 – Mrs Idstein
Years 3-4 – Mrs Jones
Years 5-6 – Mr Love
APCI and Specialist Teachers, including Learning and Support – Mr Chong
New School Staff
Joining me this year new to Roselea PS are three new staff members
Miss Rachel Foster – Teaching 3F
Miss Kara Cheung – Teaching English as Additional Language or Dialect while Mrs Khastgir is on leave
Miss Sabrina Yip – Teaching 6Y while Mr So is on leave
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews will again occur at the end of Term 1. Further detailed communication will be sent home in the coming weeks. Please note in your diary that these interviews will take place the week beginning 31 March, with our late-night interviews being held on Tuesday, 1 April.
As Principal, I am eager to meet all our families; please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to the exciting year ahead.
Mrs Kylie Bryant