Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community, 




Opening Of The School Year Mass

This Tuesday 25th February, we give thanks for our school and pray for another great year when we celebrate The Opening of the  School Year Mass at 6.00pm. During Mass we will welcome our Foundation Year students, acknowledge our Year Six students and our school leaders. We would love to see as many families as possible join us for Mass, as we come together to celebrate our common connection. Tea and coffee will be served after Mass in the school multi purpose room.


Student Leadership Positions

From our leaders:


Being school leader is a big responsibility and when I became school leader I knew what i had to do to make our school a better place. I know I can be a responsible school leader.  I will try to make sure that myself and everybody in our school will behave and be good students. 


As a school leader we all have a big role in this school. There are many big responsibilities and things to do to help the school. As a leader I know I am someone that everyone can trust and come to. I find that you need to always keep your promises that you make and to make good decisions. One of the things I want to do as a leader is to help everyone to be nicer to each other and to be a great student at this school. 


I know that being a school leader, I have to take a lot of responsibilities in taking care of the students and my peers. Being a school leader is being someone who people can trust and believe in. As a school leader, I want to help everyone in this school to feel safe and love going to school everyday.


Being a school leader is exciting and nerve-racking. We have to give speeches and the fact we have a lot of responsibility on our shoulders, but throughout the years I've been in Sacred Heart, I feel thankful, and I want to give everything back to the teachers. As a school leader, I want to help everyone in need and encourage everyone to do what they believe is right!


Student Award Recipients


Congratulations to our Good Samaritan Award recipients and Academic Achievement Award winners presented at today's assembly:


Michael and Ella (Foundation)

Jamie and Coleen (Year One)

Abigail (Year Two)

Mariana and Jessica (Year Three)

Aylah, Aisha and Olivia (Year Four)

Layla, Natalie, Katalina and Kaitlyn (Year Five)

Allie and Ali (Year Six)


Foundation Class 2026 Enrolments

Whilst  enrolments for Foundation class  2026 officially open on Tuesday 4th March, my impending Long Service Leave have seen me accept enrolments in the last week. So far we have nine enrolments for Foundation 2026 with five siblings joining our school next year. The last two years have seen a healthy increase in students enrolling at Sacred Heart and 2026 promises to continue this pattern. If you know of neighbours, family and friends who have children commencing school in 2026, spread the word about Sacred Heart and encourage them to contact the school for a tour.


School Saving Bonus (SSB)

For Non-government schools, the SSB is a $400 bonus for students receiving the means tested Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) only. 


To ensure the SSB benefit applies to eligible students for the 2025 school year, the Department of Education has recommended that the bonus is allocated to eligible students once the CSEF process has been completed for 2025.  


Non-government schools are required to apply the benefit for eligible families in a manner that is consistent with the intent of the bonus. SSB can be applied to the following programs/expenditure: 


camps, trips, excursions and incursions 

swimming and sporting programs 


school uniforms 

SSB cannot be applied to tuition charges.



Sacred Heart Parish Dance Party

Lock the date in your calendar:



Yours Sincerely



From Before School/After School Care (MACSEYE)