School News
Our school actively promotes healthy eating that’s why at Warrnambool Primary School classes have what’s called Fruit Break.
It may look different in each class and dependant on the timetable for that day, but the idea is for students to have a short break to enjoy a piece of fruit or vegetable.
Great options include an apple, banana, pear, mandarin, two fruits cup or it may even be a vegetable like a carrot, tomatoes, celery etc. If your child prefers it cut up that’s fine too, just place it in a sperate container so its easy for them grab it quickly.
If a student doesn’t bring a suitable option to eat during this time the school is unable to provide them something.
Just remember your child will have three opportunities to eat throughout the day.
Recess – Small Snack
Fruit Break – Grab and Go fruit or vegetable
Lunch – Sandwich, wrap etc
Attached are some great ideas on what to pack each day for your child.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jess or Tonya in the Wellbeing Team by calling 5561 5955 or email
Our Whole School Athletics Carnival is on Friday 21st March at the school. Foundation to Year 3 will participate between 11.30am-1.30pm and Year 4-6 will compete from 9am to 1.30pm. If your able to assist on the day please contact the school office.