Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers



Welcome back to a very exciting school year at Warrnambool Primary School.

It was great to see all the students arriving at school on Friday eager to meet up with their friends and to settle into their new classrooms.

We extend this welcome to new and existing students and families. Our priority is to ensure every child has a great day every day.

Student, staff and whole school wellbeing is a priority not just for Warrnambool Primary School but also at State level. 

Please contact the school if you need assistance for any reason and we will do our best to provide as much support as we can.


We held a welcome back picnic this week and we were delighted with the turn out of students and families. It seems like yesterday that we held our Christmas Extravaganza and again we were blessed by the weather.

It was so good to see the students so active and engaged. 

Since returning to school students have been hard at work practicing their performances led by Ash and Charli from DNA HipHop Fitness and Aerobics. We thank them for their time and amazing dance skills.

If you're looking for a dance school for your child please be sure to look at DNA.


We are very fortunate to welcome two new staff to Warrnambool Primary School. Ella Haugh is teaching Year 5 this year. 

Ella is familiar to us at WPS through her teacher practicum in 2024 and we wish her well. 

Charlotte Johns is also a graduate teacher from Warrnambool and will be teaching Year 1 in 2025. We wish Charlotte and Ella all the very best at Warrnambool Primary School.

We are sad to say goodbye to Gaye Welsh who resigned her position with the Department of Education this week.

Gaye’s last working day at Warrnambool Primary School was on Thursday 6th February 2025.

I would like to take the time to thank Gaye for her collegiality and dedication to her role at our great school.

Gaye commenced at WPS in 2001 and in that time has worked with and nurtured many of our most vulnerable children.

The support that Gaye has provided to the students, their families and teaching staff through this time has been outstanding and thorough. 

We also acknowledge the work Gaye performed in the First Aid area over many years. This too is very much appreciated by us all.

We wish Gaye all the very best in the future.


The role of School Council is to provide strong leadership and ensure good governance in Government Schools. We have a very strong School Council at Warrnambool Primary School who work together to ensure the best outcomes for our school.

There may be parent vacancies for the 2025/2026 school years. If you are interested in putting your name forward please contact me and I will arrange a meeting to discuss joining.  

If we have more nominees than positions we will hold an election as per the Department of Education policy.

It is a great opportunity for parents to be involved in the school.



At Warrnambool Primary School we pride ourselves on the amazing Fundraising efforts we’re able to achieve. Not only do these fundraising events generate donations for improvements around the school, they’re also great activities for our students to participate in.

Studies show that when parents are involved in their children's school life, it helps their learning, happiness, and interest in school. This support makes students more confident and successful. By staying involved , you can help your child achieve their best and enjoy their school experience more.

The Warrnambool Primary School Parents Association (WPPA) are always looking for new people to join. Whether you’re able to attend meetings, help organise events or assist at events we need you! 

These events/activities take time and without the help from the Parents/Carers of our wonderful community it’s not possible. Even the smallest amount of time helps. 

If you’re interested in joining the association, please contact Skye in the school office on 5561 5955.

The next committee meeting is on Tuesday 11th February at 6pm in the school staff room.


Assemblies continue to take place on Monday mornings in the school gym. If you are able to attend we would love to see you there. Assemblies will commence just after 9am and will be completed in approximately 30min. 

We held our first official assembly this week and welcomed new staff, farewelled departing staff and introduced our Junior School Council Executive for 2025. 

At next week’s assembly our Year 6 Leaders will be presented with their badges.



The past 12 months has seen a significant change in our school uniform and logo.

We’re surprised at how quickly our students and families have made the change and how well it has been accepted by the school community.

The students feel proud to wear the uniform and we believe this has been the right decision for our school.

Due to the high uptake, we have decided to completely phase out the brown and gold uniform.

At students are expected to be wearing the navy and gold uniform by Friday 28th February.

Students will be expected to wear the school logo jumper, polo tops and hats. Students may wear plain navy bottoms without a logo which can be purchased from the school uniform shop or other retailers.

There are options available to assist families with the purchase of uniforms including using the School Saving Bonus and State Schools Relief.

The school has also recently updated its Student Dress Code Policy. Key points include:

  • Students are not permitted to wear decorative jewellery to school. Stud earrings and sleepers worn in the ears, and watches are the only acceptable jewellery.
  • Shoulder length or longer hair is to be tied back to help restrict the spread of nits and lice for student safety.
  • Extreme hair colours (eg: green, pink or purple rinses) and/or extreme hairstyles (eg: spikes or mohawks) are not permitted.

 If you have any questions or require assistance with the purchase of uniforms please contact the school office on 5561 5955.


Please note that the handicapped space in Jamieson Street must remain free during pick up and drop off.

We do have families with children who require access to this parking space at these times. 

Warrnambool City Council contacted the school during 2024 also requesting that we keep this space vacant. I appreciate your co-operation with this important matter.



There are several buses that depart the school each day, either being town buses, country buses or local school buses.

To ensure that students catch the correct bus, we have a dedicated staff member who marks off students before they board a bus.

It’s important that Parents/Carers notify the school office by phone or email if you wish your child to be added to a bus list. The staff member on bus duty will not allow a student to board if their name isn’t listed on the sheet.

For students in Foundation and Years 1 & 2 we ask that you also inform your child’s teacher that your child is catching a bus so they can assist in ensuring your child makes it to the bus on time.

Parents and Carers are also reminded that there are fees for students to travel on all buses. Please ensure that your child has a bus pass or money on them when they travel. 



A reminder that the school grounds are not supervised before 8.45am in the morning and after 3.40pm in the afternoon. TheirCare operates from 7am in the mornings and straight after school. 

They operate out of the school gym and can be contacted on 1300 072 410 to arrange bookings. Please refer to the letter attached to this newsletter and the Yard Duty policy on the school website.



Students have already been practicing ready for our whole school athletics sports day on Friday 21st March 2025.


Have a great weekend.


Peter Lee


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