Resource Centre

Primary Information Night Updates

It was lovely to see the families at the Primary information night last night. Please find below important information you need to know from the library to begin the year.


1. Students attend a fortnightly Library lesson.

2. Borrowing expectations:


Number of Books

K-2 2 books
Year 33 books
Year 44 books
Year 55 books
Year 66 books
  • Books are borrowed for 2 weeks. To renew they just need to speak to the Library staff. It would be encouraged if students are renewing the books they have with them. If a hold has been placed on the book we will not be able to renew.
  • All students from K-2 can only borrow books if they have a library bag. We also encourage Years  3-6  to bring their Library bag as well. 
  • Borrowing can also happen before and after school as well as at lunchtime.

 3. Ways for students to choose books to read for pleasure that are suitable for them:

  • Books that include a topic of interest to them.
  • The five-finger rule (if students open up to any page of the books and they come across five words they are unsure of then maybe this is not the book for them.)
  • We as a library team also work very hard to ensure the material on offer to students is age-appropriate and of interest to our student population. At times your child will need permission to read specific books. This is because the recommended reading age of the book may be older than your child and has content that is related to that age group.

Premier’s Reading Challenge


The challenge begins on February 24th.

The challenge closes on August 22nd.

The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is upon us again. 


Previous Participants:


All students who have participated previously will need to visit Ms Height to receive their new passwords. The Premier's Reading Challenge administration has reset all passwords for students at independent schools for 2025. Account will not be accessible until the start date which is next Monday 24 February. 


There are two ways you can receive your new passwords:

  • Bring your diary to the Resource Centre before or after school or during lunchtime and have the Library Team record your usernames and new passwords.
  • Mum or Dad can email to sign up and receive a username and password.

If your child is new to the challenge you can have them join by:

  • Contacting the Library Staff via
  • Have your child let the Library Staff know in their library lesson. 
  • Let your child's Teacher know via diary and they can pass this on to the Library Staff. Once we have received student passwords, we will communicate these to you through your child’s diary or via email. 

If you would like to begin locating books for your child/ren to read for the challenge, please take time to preview some of the lists that have been created on the website:

Secondary and Primary Club



This year we are introducing an Esport program for Years 4 -10. Those students who have displayed interest will receive a letter outlining the main points of the program.  This letter also contains a permission form which needs to be filled in by Monday as we need to register our participants by Friday. 


For more information please see the competition information page.


Kids Lit Quiz


“Reading is a Sport as well”


We are looking for students who are aged 10 -13 years old. This competition involves students answering questions related to Literature in a trivia format. We plan to participate in an online heat in Term 2. 


Encourage your child to come and speak to Ms Height early next week and we can get things started. 


For further information:


Keep reading and discovering new things.




Ms Height and Ms O’Neil

Resource Centre Team