Chaplain's Chat

International Service Tour in 2025 - Years 9-12 

Apply now! We will be partnering with Habitat for Humanity through their Global Village programme from 21 June to 2 July 2025 to join with a family in building a new home. This is a hands-on service experience and the personal character growth through increasing global awareness and poverty alleviation is profound. 


Find out more about the Habitat for Humanity program here. If your student in Years 9-12 will be age 15 on 21st June 2025 and you would like more information about this service learning experience please contact Rev. Tim Bowles via email


A Zoom information session will be held at 7 PM, Monday 24 February to provide further information and to address any questions or inquiries: 


Primary Chapel


On Friday 14 February, our Primary school gathered for Chapel. These events provide opportunities for students to experience Christian worship in the Anglican tradition, which includes gathering as a community, hearing from God’s word as we learn from Jesus and celebrating the life and good in our school through prayer. Our student leaders, Rosie Grant and James Cox led their peers well. There was wonderful singing with lots of actions and growing in confidence with our school hymn Praise to the Lord led masterfully by Mr Hearn. 


Coming together highlights what is important to us at Moama Anglican Grammar and reforms our hearts to love what is good, which in this case was being thankful and prayerful for the new school year!


Friends of Faith


After a successful launch last year our ‘Friends of Faith’ will meet again this year to pray for our school. Through the initiative of parent Lyndall Johnson, this group aims to bless our school through prayer and we extend an open invitation to whoever would like to join with us. Our meeting time is 8:30 AM with parents and community supporters signing in at Reception where students will meet to guide you to our meeting place. Here are the dates for Semester 1:


Term 1

Thursday 27 February

Thursday 27 March


Term 2

Thursday 24 April

Thursday 29 May


“16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Christ Church Anglican Echuca 500 High St.


Confirmation Classes – Our local parish will be running Confirmation classes later this year. In confirmation, the candidate confirms the promises made (usually on their behalf when they were an infant) at their baptism. While confirmation is not strictly speaking a sacrament in the Anglican tradition, it is still required to be a fully communicant member of the Anglican Church. Preparation for confirmation usually involves instruction by the parish priest, and confirmation is carried out by the bishop and usually within the context of a Sunday service. Please email Rev. Tim Bowles if you would like further information.


If you are a new family to our school, or you have been connected for some time you are welcome at Christ Church at any time. We would hope our school community views the place as your church home. We worship on Sundays at 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM. 




Rev. Tim Bowles
