Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Belle Healey, Year 7 Coordinators

What a fantastic start to the school year it has been for our Year 7 cohort! Our students have now settled into Secondary School life well and we are receiving so many positive reports from all of their teachers with how well they are going. Let’s keep it up Year 7’s! 


Year 7 BBQ

Thank you to everyone who attended the Year 7 BBQ and the SEQTA information session last night. It was great to see so many of you at the school and getting to know the Year 7 staff at Horsham College. Thank you to all the staff that helped on the night and to our college leaders for cooking the BBQ. 



Well done to all the students who attended and participated at the Horsham College swimming sports on the 14th of February. Students need to continue to support these whole school events if they want to see them continue into the future. A huge thank you to Jase, Josh and Brooklyn for organising such a fun day for our school community.


Student Absences

We value your child’s education, every day of school counts. If your child is absent from school, we request that you contact the school either via the Absence Hotline on 5381 7200, through SeQta, or with a signed note handed to form group teachers.



The Year 7 Camp will be held at the Grampians Retreat in Dunkeld between the 24th-26th March (7B, 7F, 7E, 7G) and 26th-28th March (7A, 7C, 7D). During this week, students will have the opportunity to partake in a number of adventure activities such as flying fox, giant swing, mountain bike riding and more! Please make sure to return your camp forms by Thursday 20th March. 


Camp 1: 24th-26th March 2025

Form Groups: 7B, 7F, 7E, 7G

Camp 2: 26th-28th March 2025

From Groups: 7A, 7C, 7D


Year 7 immunisations will take place at Horsham College on Tuesday 4th March. If you wish for your child to receive their immunisations on this day students need to return their note by Friday 21st February. Wellbeing and the year 7 team will be on hand to support those who find immunisations overwhelming on the day. However, if your child has not previously coped with having immunisations at school you are welcome to contact the Year Level Coordinators via SEQTA or phone call to the year 7 office to discuss supports and alternatives.  



As a cohort we have celebrated some students who have received a high number of value awards throughout the start of the school term. Students can receive a value award from any teacher for showing care, character, commitment, or collaboration while at school. 

We were able to award these students with a $10 canteen voucher for their efforts so far.


Congratulations to: 

Alyce Hoye, Miranda Kennedy, Cooper Hicks, AJ Cullen, Pixie Farr, Kianah Batty & Kira Clark


We look forward to congratulating more students throughout 2025! 




Class spotlight – Year 7 Home Eco

This week in Home Eco, students have been making Baked Potato. This week, students learnt how to cut up ingredients efficiently, operate a stove top without burning their bacon and learnt how to use a microwave and oven safely. Students also continue to learn how to work safely in the kitchen to prevent unnecessary accidents. A reminder to students to bring a container to school on the following days of their class.


Mrs O’Connor’s

Year 7A Home Eco

Students are to bring a container to school every Monday including a fork &/or spoon.


Ms Blair’s

Year 7B Home Eco Students are to bring a container to school every Tuesday, including a fork &/or spoon.


Ms McQueen’s

Year 7C Home Eco Students are to bring a container to school every Wednesday, including a fork &/or spoon.