Academic Counsellor News

Jenna ARgall, Student Academic Counsellor

Study Space Checklist


A necessary part of school life is homework and study. 


These two words are often used interchangeably, but do not mean the same thing! Homework tasks complement content covered in class and help form a solid foundation, whilst study revises that knowledge and understanding. Sometimes teachers will set study as homework, but homework is not always study. For this reason, senior students are encouraged to add study to their educational repertoire. This includes creating summaries, using recall strategies (such as flash cards) and attempting practice questions.


To complete homework and study, you want to create a space that makes it easy to do the things that need doing, and hard to do the things that don’t.


Think about ways to make a space comfortable, motivating and organised.


The following checklist can be used to critique your study spaces: 

  • I have a desk to study at.

  • I have a chair that is supportive, but not too relaxed.

  • There is good lighting in my space. e.g. Natural light, lamps.

  • The temperature in my space is neither too hot nor too cold.

  • I have basic supplies to help me study. e.g. computer, textbooks, paper, pens, highlighters, calculator, post it notes.

  • I only put the things I use daily on my desk; everything else has a spot elsewhere.

  • My study space is inviting. I have things that inspire me and make me happy.

  • I have my water bottle with me.

  • I have a calendar to ensure I am prepared for upcoming key dates.

  • I have a to-do list of what I want to accomplish, with regular breaks scheduled.

  • I have a clock or stopwatch to keep track of the time.

  • My phone is on silent or in another room to reduce notifications.

  • My computer tabs are clear and only showing things I’m focusing on.

  • I have figured out how I like my background sounds while I am trying to concentrate.