Year 12 News

 Taylor Shelley & Nick Rigas,  Year 12 Coordinators

Well done Year 12’s on a great start to the year! The Year 12 Team have been very impressed with the work ethic shown by most Year 12 students and with less than 9 months to go, you have laid the foundations for what to come. As you read this, we would like you to consider what you want to achieve this year and what your goals are for 2025 and beyond. For some students, the goal will be to get accepted into University or TAFE in 2026, while for others, it will be to gain full time employment or an apprenticeship.


If your goal is to attend University or TAFE, this year is your opportunity to strive hard and achieve the score you need for your preferred course. Aim high - higher than what you need.  Working hard throughout the year with focus, determination and sacrifice will make it all worthwhile when you receive your results in December.


If your goal is to gain full time employment or an apprenticeship, we want you to think about the skills and qualities employers are looking for. Employers want people who are enthusiastic, committed, persistent and reliable. Actively work on enhancing these attributes in 2025, with the support of others.


Regardless of your ambitions, demonstrate passion in your studies by working hard and always doing your best and no matter what your goal is in 2025, we encourage you all to look after yourself. Your mental and physical health is the most important. Make sure you get the balance right between study, work and play. If you need help, reach out to the Year 12 Team or Hamish Roberts – he is here to help you. Remember that all of us in the Year 12 Team are here to help and support you. 




Please make sure that your mobile phone is kept in your locker during school hours. If you urgently need to make a phone call, come to the Year 12 Office and see Mrs Shelley or Mr Rigas who will arrange for you to use a phone.



A reminder that if your child is absent, we request that you contact the school either via the Absence Hotline 5381 7200, email/DM your child’s form group teacher or bring a signed note to give to your form group teacher. At Horsham College there is an 80% attendance requirement for all VCE classes, except for approved absences. That is why it is extremely important to get any absences approved ASAP using the above methods. Please note that all students, even if over the age of 18, cannot approve their own absences. All absences must be parent or guardian approved.