Principal's Report
Ms Meg Woolford - Principal
Principal's Report
Ms Meg Woolford - Principal
Swimming Sports
On Friday, many students participated and attended our annual Swimming Carnival. The day was a great celebration of the College, with students across year levels participating in a range of swimming and novelty events, and a fantastic camaraderie shown.
Congratulations to all students and families that attended, and a big thank you to the staff, led by our Sports Coordinators Mr Jason Revell and Ms Brooklyn Fraser, for their organisation of the day.
NAPLAN preparations
Our school preparations for NAPLAN are underway. NAPLAN is the once every two years literacy and numeracy testing for all students in Australia. It is used as a measure of student progress and allows schools to target further support, along with our own internal testing and teacher judgement based on student needs.
NAPLAN will be held from the 12th to the 24th of March, with the four tests being spread across these dates and catch up opportunities for students who are absent.
Our staff have been working with students and supporting them with activities that provide NAPLAN like tasks, with a particular focus for our Year 7 and 9 students on reading, writing and numeracy tasks. The purpose of this is to lower the stress levels of students and enable them to perform at their best. Parents/guardians who would like further information are welcome to contact their relevant Assistant Principal for support (Year 7: Mr Liam Price Year 9: Mr Liam Offer, Alternate Programs: Mr Daniel Garner).
Horsham College – Sporting School of the Year!
On Friday night, at the Wimmera Regional Sports Academy Awards ceremony, Horsham College was named the Sporting School of the Year. This is a fantastic acknowledgment of the sporting achievements in 2024, which included representing the College and the region at a range of events. As well as a reflection of College’s inclusive programs, and commitment to fostering student well-being through sport and the unparalleled opportunities that students are provided her at Horsham College. A big thank you to all involved, especially our Sports Coordinators - Jason Revell & Brooklyn Fraser, as well as the many other staff who coach, organise and supervise these opportunities.
College Expectations - Attendance
The College is committed to working with students and families to attain student attendance rates above 90%.
We are committed as a school to supporting students and families to recognise the importance of regular school attendance and supporting students to achieve success. We have a school wide goal of ensuring unexplained absences are below 4%, and the Student Engagement and Wellbeing team will focus on reducing the number of students whose absences are of concern.
We know that coming to school is the first step to achieving success and encourage families to contact us with any concerns.
Sadly, there have been recent reports of graffiti at school, which includes inappropriate racial language which is deeply concerning and hurtful. As a school community we must educate our students on acceptable behaviour and language, both within our school and the broader community. We kindly ask for your support in discussing with your children the importance of using appropriate language and drawings, particularly in the context of the use of inappropriate language that is racial, swearing, and offensive symbols. Your partnership in reinforcing these values at home will significantly contribute to creating a respectful and inclusive environment for all. Inclusive and respectful language, and respect for property was a key focus for all students at their Year Level Assemblies.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in this matter.