Mental Health in Primary Schools

Your friendly MHiPS team will be sharing lots of information throughout the year on how we can all work together to improve our mental health literacy, so watch this space.


MHiPS Team

(Jess G, Jackie and Daniel)

Back to school anxiety: How to help your child transition into the new school year

Beyond the first day

Don’t underestimate the emotional and physical exhaustion that may come with the beginning of school and keep the rest of life as simple as possible while your child adapts to the new school.


Limit extracurricular activities in the first term as you observe how your child’s energy and emotions are adapting to the new start. Ensure your child goes to bed on time and gets plenty of sleep. If they usually go to bed late and struggle to wake in time for school, you may want to start an earlier bedtime routine, with good sleep hygiene, to avoid the sleepiness and rush of the morning. Keep their diet healthy and make sure they have a good breakfast before school each day so that they are not limited by hunger or lack of energy.


Be aware of other life changes that go along with starting a new school. Many children move schools amidst other changes in life such as house moves, financial problems, separation or divorce and other social problems. Be sensitive to a new school being one more change and try to be as empathetic as possible while maintaining as much stability as you can in the rest of the child’s life.


Starting school can also mean a change in working arrangements for parents, particularly stay at home parents who may re-enter the workforce. Be patient with yourself as you work to find a balance that suits your family.


Despite the busy lives we lead, try as hard as you can to keep up to date with the school calendar of events and prepare in advance for dress-up days and events to support your child’s participation in the school community.


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