Upcoming Dates & Events

** 2025 Term Dates

Term 1 - Thursday 30th January - Friday 4th April

2025 Preps commence Friday 31st January

Term 2 - Monday 28th April - Friday 4th July

Term 3 - Monday 21st July - Friday 19th September

Term 4 - Monday 6th October - Tuesday 16th December

**2025 Pupil Free Days

Term 1

Monday 10th March - Labor Day Public Holiday

Term 2

Monday 21st April - Easter Monday - Public Holiday 

Tuesday 22nd – Thursday 24th April - Staff Professional Learning Days 

Friday 25th April - ANZAC Day Public Holiday

Term 3 

Wednesday August 13 - CESL Staff Spirituality Day

Term 4 

Wednesday 17th December - Staff Professional Learning Day

2025 Dates to Remember

(Please check regularly as dates are subject to change. **New* dates/events may also be added)



Monday 10th - Friday 14th - Student Learning Meetings

Wednesday 12th - Prep Rest Day

Thursday 13th - National Apology Day Breakfast

Monday 17th- Wednesday 19th - Grade 5/6 Camp

Wednesday 19th - Prep Rest Day

Friday 21st - Opening Mass & Farewell for Monsignor Peter commencing at 11.40am

Tuesday 25th - Shrove Tuesday

Wednesday 26th - Prep Rest Day

Thursday 27th - Prep Welcome Liturgy & School Welcome BBQ



Monday 3rd - FIRE Carriers commissioning

Wednesday 5th - Ash Wednesday

Wednesday 5th - Prep Rest Day

Friday 7th - Schools Clean Up Australia Day

Wednesday 12th - Preps Commence Wednesdays

Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th - Naplan

Friday 14th - School Cross Country

Monday 17th - St Patricks Day - Dress up in Green - Gold coin donation

Friday 21st - Harmony Day

March 28th - Whole School Photos



Friday 4th - Last Day of Term 1

Tuesday 8th - Monsignor Peter's Birthday

Monday 21st - Easter Monday Holiday

Tuesday 22nd - Thursday 23rd - Staff Professional Learning - Student Free Days




Monday 28th - Term 2 Resumes


**2025 Direct Debit Scheduled Commencement Dates


Friday 7th March - Repeats weekly

Fortnightly Schedule 1

Friday 7th March - repeats fortnightly 

Fortnightly Schedule 2 

Friday  14th March - repeats fortnightly 


Friday 28th February - repeats 28th of each Month.


Thursday 3rd December - Repeats at end of each term