Parents & Friends

2023 Committee

President - Vanessa Sleeth, Vice President/Secretary - Laura Church, Treasurer - Michael DeMaria, Public Relations Officer - Currently Vacant,  Communications - Anita Gray, School Rep - Ann Margaret Carroll, General Committee Members - Jess Church,  Alena Ratcliffe, Chelsea Crawford, Celeste Prygoda, Gemma De Penning, Hannah Crawford and Matt Ryan. 


A Message from our Outgoing President

A warm welcome back to the school year from our Parents and Friends Committee.


Hoping all in our school community have had a wonderful start to the school year. A very special welcome back to our Principal, Elaine Vertriest, as she begins her first school year at St Marys. We thank you Elaine for the incredible work you did at the end of last year - stepping into any school during the year is an enormous challenge but much more so when you are stepping in as a new Principal. Your warm and engaged presence in our school community and willingness to listen and take on feedback have allowed all in our St Mary's community to feel supported and cared for, and very excited about the future of our school under your leadership. 


We also warmly welcome our Preps, and new families. I have no doubt you will love being part of our school community, as we all do. My time at St Mary's is now over, as my youngest has begun her secondary school journey. And I am already missing our beautiful school community. It is a very special place. 


I will soon hand over the reigns of President of our Parents and Friends to another lucky community member. Our AGM will be held on Wednesday March 5th at 6pm, and all positions will be declared open after this meeting where new members will be elected. I have loved my time on the P&F. We have an incredible group of passionate committee members who are focused on supporting our school community through fundraising and organising special events. We love to see new members and it really is a very small time commitment with meetings held once a term, and many volunteers willing to support us in our work. 

If you would like to discuss taking on a role on our P&F, or becoming a general committee member, please contact me on 0400922441. It is such a wonderful way to really make a difference in the school lives of your children. 

Wishing you all a wonderful year ahead,


Vanessa Sleeth

President, Parents and Friends Committee

M 0400 922 441

Next Meeting 

AGM will be held on Wednesday March 5th at 6pm,