PE & Sport Update

Important Sports Dates
Term 1
Thur 13th: District Swimming (selected L4, 5 & 6 students)
Dates to be confirmed (Last week of Feb/First week of March): Soccer clinics (Lv 1 & 2)
Wed 5th: Division swimming (selected L4, 5 & 6)
Wed 19th: Kaboom Sports (Foundation - Level 3)
Fri 21st: Regional Swimming
Tue 25th: AFL clinics (Lv 2-4)
Wed 26th: AFL clinics (Lv 2-4)
Thursday 27th: House Cross Country (Lv 3-6)
Term 2
Tue 29th: House Athletics (Lv 4-6)
Swimming lessons (F-2 @ Swimworld)
Week 1- Tue, Wed, Thur (22nd, 23rd, 24th)
Week 2- Mon-Fri (28th, 29th, 30th, 1st, 2nd May)
Swimming lessons (L 4 & 6 @ Caulfield)
Week 2- Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri (28th, 30th 1st, 2nd May) No Tuesday due to Athletics!
Week 3- Mon-Fri (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th May)
Mon 12th (still to be confirmed!!): District Cross Country
Wed/Thur 14th & 15th: Wheelchair Basketball Incursion (Level 5&6)
Term 4
Swimming lessons (L 3 & 5 @ Caulfield)
Week 1- Thur, Fri (9th & 10th)
Week 2- Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri (13th, 15th, 16th, 17th)
Week 3- Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri (20th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th)
Running Club
Every Wednesday (starting Wed 12 Feb) at 8:30am SHARP, Running Club is held in the parklands across the road from the school.
Students from Level 2-6 are welcome to join. Parents please ensure your child is dropped off at the running club registration desk. We will all walk back to school together across the Student Crossing at 8:55am.
Running club will have a variety of activities including warm up games and different running activities.
Miss Callanan, Mr Perrin & Mr Jenkins
Why do we need to exercise?
Healthy Bodies
For kids, exercise means playing and being physically active. Kids exercise when they have gym class at school, during recess, at dance class or soccer practice, while riding bikes, or when playing tag.
Being active every day has many social, emotional, intellectual and health benefits, including:
- improved cardiovascular fitness (heart and lungs)
- maintenance of a healthy weight
- improved posture
- better sleep patterns
- increased self-esteem and confidence
- improved concentration
- help with relaxation
- building stronger bones and muscles
- improved balance
- skills development
- increased flexibility
- opportunities to make friends and enhance social skills.
The 3 Elements of Fitness
If you've ever watched kids on a playground, you've seen the 3 elements of fitness in action when they:
- run away from the kid who's "it" (endurance)
- cross the monkey bars (strength)
- bend down to tie their shoes (flexibility)
Parents should encourage their kids to do a variety of activities so that they can work on all these.
Endurance develops when kids regularly get aerobic activity. During aerobic exercise, large muscles are moving, the heart beats faster, and a person breathes harder. Aerobic activity strengthens the heart and improves the body's ability to deliver oxygen to all its cells.
Improving strength doesn't have to mean lifting weights. Instead, kids can do push-ups, stomach crunches, pull-ups, and other exercises to help tone and strengthen muscles. They also improve their strength when they climb, do a handstand, or wrestle. Muscle strengthening and aerobic exercises like running, jumping, and hopping, also help build strong bones.
Stretching exercises help improve flexibility, allowing muscles and joints to bend and move easily through their full range of motion. Kids get chances every day to stretch when they reach for a toy, practice a split, or do a cartwheel. Dance, yoga, and martial arts, like karate, are examples of flexibility activities.
How Much?
It is recommenedd children and young people do at least 60 minutes each day of moderate to vigorous physical activity that makes the heart beat faster. More is better.
It doesn’t have to be a full 60 minutes at once – several shorter sessions through the day work too.
At least 3 days per week, children and young people should incorporate vigorous activities and activities that strengthen muscle and bone in the 60 minutes.
Darren Jenkins
PE & School Sport Coordinator