Human Society and its Environment
Human Society and its Environment
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Year 12 Modern History
Below are photos of Year 12 attempting Section 1 of last year’s HSC Modern History exam. This exercise is a valuable way to engage students in HSC examination conditions while also consolidating their knowledge from last year’s Power and Authority core topic. Year 12 have just begun their National Study, Russia and the Soviet Union, exploring the Bolshevik Revolution, Marxist theory, and the early Soviet government!
Meanwhile, Year 7 classes have been introduced to the concept of evidence and detective work in history—with one key question: Who stole Miss Clark’s cookies? Many HSIE staff members were suspects, and Year 7 had to piece together clues and support their theories with evidence.
Below are some of the suspects that 7Y identified:
We welcome all students to the 2025 school year! So far, we have hit the ground running, diving headfirst into our first historical topics of the year.
We also extend a warm welcome to the new Year 7 students and their families joining Camden High School. A special welcome to Year 11, who are beginning their Preliminary HSC courses. This year, we are running classes in Legal Studies, Modern History, Business Studies, and VET Business Services.
The HSIE faculty also offers Stage 5 elective classes, including Year 9 and 10 Commerce. Additionally, we are excited to introduce a new Year 9 Psychology class, led by Miss Carter.
On an important note, please ensure your child is ‘Ready To Learn’ in 2025 with books for each subject, pencil case with an adequate number of pens and bring their planner to school every day. If students choose to bring their phones to school, they must be secured in their school-provided pouch during school hours.
Below is an outline of our staff members for 2025 for your reference. We look forward to a fantastic year ahead!